Just wanted to make this post a quick aside from my diary as I think I overlooked something. When I setup my tank (still dry) with some base rock and sand, I aquascaped it by putting the rock straigt on to the glass, then filling in with sand. How imperative is it for me to have something under the tank like a foam pad? I've been reading a lot on tank setup and people have greatly reccomended this . Too bad I allready laid out my rocks to my liking and its gonna be tough to get a pad in there. If its imperative, I can do it, but if I can go without, I'd rather do that. The tank is 45 gallons with about 60lbs of base rock and I plan on adding another 20-40lbs of liverock to that for a total of 80-100lbs of rock. What do you guys think I should do before I fill it?