Aquarium Substrate? New Tank!


New Member
Jan 14, 2008
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Hello, first off i am seting up a new tank.

65 gallons, residents are 12 Rasboras 4 platys and 1 pelco.

Typicaly I use Aquarium gravel, this time i have gravel along the two sides and the back, holding down my plants(plastic)/ decorations, and i was going to use sand up front, having a two tone tank.
The probem was i opted for Childrens "washed" play sand. After 10x rince jobs the water is still slightly murky, my questions is will this murky water disipate over a period of time, am i risking any injury to my fish or filter (Hang on bio wheel). like i said it has been rinced and when i leave the bucket alone it barley looks dirty almost clear. Before i dump it into my tank just wanted to be sure. Thanks for any help.
what playsand you using?

i used argos playsand and it only took 5 mines to rinse 6 liters (water was crystal clear)
I am using a generic Washed Play sand.

Rinced it completly on and off for about 2 hours. Water seemed clear,,,,upon reacing my tank it tinted the hole thing off brown. At first i could not even see the back. Starting to clear . Just hopeing it will settle by tomorow,,and no sand found it's way into my intake tubes! Active carbon pads should take care of it.

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