Aquarium Stands - How Safe?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 18, 2008
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Hey folks

Our old 45 litre tank was sat on a solid pine sideboard without any issues. We've just upgraded to a Fluval Osaka 155, complete with its own cabinate.

I just wondered how safe these aquarium stands really are? I notice they all seem to be made of MDF which isn't the strongest material in the world, so has anyone had any isues with stands failing?

I'm a little paranoid that I'm going to come home 1 night find the tank on the floor, the cat full of fish & 155 litres of water lapping round the living room.
MDF stands are junk, and the main reason I build my own. Look for solid wood. If you are in any way handy a more sturdy stand can be built with basic hand tools. It will be much cheaper as well.
That's pretty much how I build my stands, and the basic idea behind my wood tank racks. Check out

Scroll down to the DIY folder on the left, they have a program that you can put your tank measurements into, and it will give you a cut list, assembly instructions, the whole deal. Many members here have used this to build stands.

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