Aquarium Setup For Betta


New Member
May 28, 2013
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Hi to all :)
i'm new to this forum and fall in love in aquariums and fish 2 weeks ago. I have Betta in 5 liter tank, and now i want to buy 60 liter tank for my Betta. (later in that tank i will build community)
I read a lot but still not sure about some things. I wont cycle my aquarium and i dont want to learn on my mistakes especially if that means that i risk the life of my Betta  so live plants , fishless cycle all that i plan to do after my Betta is gone. 
My question is, can i put my Betta in 60 liter tank and to put only Heater (no filters, nothing form equipment), and i want to put some snails (Zebra Nertite Snail) if i can find it anywhere where i live. I read that Zebra Snails get a long with Bettas and that thy only reproduce in salt water (Zebra snails), but i dont know if the Snail will affect the water quality in my aquarium cos i wont have filter (you know that slimy thing snail make)
Thanks for your answers in advance and sorry for my english 
You will need a filter, heater and a 10+ liter tank for keeping betta fish.
In a 60 liter without a filter, with a heater, a bunch of snails and a betta is asking for trouble.
Thanks :)
i will try without snails (i planed one or two snail) not much.
my betta is hapy he is making bubbles all the time, but i want to put it in bigger aquarium. maybe i will introduce him some female in 60l tank.
now summer is coming in my country and water temperature is fine but i will need heater for the winter, and i cant put heater in 5l tank
You will need a filter, two reasons why:
1) a filter removes debris from the tank and without one your asking for trouble.
2) filter media contains beneficial bacteria (which you build up through cycling) that changes ammonia (which the fish produce and it's highly toxic) into nitrite (still toxic, though not as toxic as ammonia) and then the nitrite into nitrate (only toxic in high levels). Without this bacteria and a filter, your fish would most likely die from ammonia poisoning which would be very painful for them.
So, if you don't want to risk the life of your Betta, then your better off having a filter.

The Betta may seem happy but fish are really good at pretending to be normal even when they're not. (In the wild if they show any sign of weakness they will most likely be picked on or worse.) Like TT said a 10+ litre tank is needed for a Betta.

I can understand the part about the heater, just make sure to get one for winter. (What country do you live in?)

Also, :hi: to the forum.
I'm from Skopje, Macedonia... when i go to pet shops they dont give much of a choice, i'm searching for pet shops that will give more choice in choosing equipment etc. here if you are searching for something you have 2 possibilities and that is all. I hope i will find some pet shops where i can buy what i want and all the things i need.
If equipment is hard to come by, you should be able to order things online from other EU countries for a reasonable cost.
and thanks for asking the question.
Aleksandar said:
my betta is hapy he is making bubbles all the time, but i want to put it in bigger aquarium. maybe i will introduce him some female in 60l tank.
now summer is coming in my country and water temperature is fine but i will need heater for the winter, and i cant put heater in 5l tank
A Betta will build a bubble nest but it is not always an indication of him being happy.
Do not introduce female Bettas to the tank with him in.  Males and females should only be put together for breeding after conditioning them with live foods prior, and then conditioning them to one another within separate containers.  You would need to do a lot of research prior to considering this.  If you just add females it is likely that he will damage/kill them or they will do damage/kill him.
Take a look at the Beginners Resource Section on the forum which will explain about cycling your new aquarium prior to adding any fish.
TIP: I recommend you put your location in your profile as this assists people in advising you on the forum.
I do recommend you get your betta a bigger tank.  If you want to continue with no filter, you would be better off with something smaller than a 60L though as you will have to do 100% water changes every other day with no cycled filter running.  Something between 15 - 20L should work out good for you if you want to stay with not using a filter.  Even in warmer countries, a heater is recommended just to keep the temp stable at all times and those sized tanks I listed are fine for smaller heaters.
As far as your betta making bubbles -- that is only a sign of him being a "grown up" betta and has nothing to do with being happy.  Also do not put male and female bettas together, they are very aggressive to each other and can/will hurt or kill each other.
Would love to see pics of your betta.  :D    Welcome to the forum!
If you can't get a HOB filter, have a look into a sponge filter. You should be able to build your own if you are having issues finding a sponge filter at your LFS.

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