Aquarium Salt and Medications??


New Member
Aug 31, 2003
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I am currently treating my 10 gl tank with Parasite clear. Does anyone know if I can use aquarium salt with it? I have a very sick fish and I am hoping to get an answer quickly. I will be doing a water change shortly and adding more medicine to the tank.

thank you !!
Interestingly enough, I'm in a similar but opposite situation.

I recently lost a ram to what I believe was ich and used aquarium salt first. I used half the recommended dosage. The only evidence I now have of ich is that I've seen, only once, an albino tiger barb rub up against something as I saw the ram do. I've looked all fish over carefully and see no white spots. Do I still medicate?

Sorry for hyjacking your post SnowQueen.

You can use both at the same time, in fact, the salt helps the fish heal faster. I've used this remedy many times. I find that my fish get rid of their Ich in 3 days as opposed to a week or more. What I have used that really works is a medication called "Quick Cure" for the Ich, and add in salt at 1 tbsp per 5 gals. No matter what type of fish you have, it's good. Some people say not to add salt if you have cory catfish or sensitive types of fish, but I found that not to be true. I have a cory, pleco, and an oto and they have all been fine. Hope your fish gets better soon :)
You can actually just use the aquarium salts for external parasites, no need for medications. Parasites don't have the organs to process the salt in the water, unlike the fish.

Also, be careful with the meds. Most meds already contain salts and some fish are very sensitive to salts. The best way to apply salt is to dissolve the salt in water and slowly pour it in the tank slowly over a period of an hour or so. DO NOT pour the crystals directly in the tank, since salt sensitive fish will probably get burned from it and with the sal being all over the tank bottom, they will have no place to go. :(
you can use medication in conjuction with salt, however i have to disagree with stacey269. If you have sensitive fish I would use half the recommended dosage and add it over a period of time, not all at once.

Trust me i found out the hard way. :-(

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