Aquarium Plants


New Member
Aug 13, 2006
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Iv been keeping tropical fish for about a year now and iv always had fake plants in my tank.
Now that im confident in keeping my fish healthy n happy i would now like to put in real plants, i see the tanks in this forum and think wow!!!, thats the kind of thing id like for my fish.

Can anyone tell me if there's any important stuff i need to do in order to make it a success, also is the co2 thing required or can i do it without.

Any help/advice anyone can give would be great,


Iv been keeping tropical fish for about a year now and iv always had fake plants in my tank.
Now that im confident in keeping my fish healthy n happy i would now like to put in real plants, i see the tanks in this forum and think wow!!!, thats the kind of thing id like for my fish.

Can anyone tell me if there's any important stuff i need to do in order to make it a success, also is the co2 thing required or can i do it without.

Any help/advice anyone can give would be great,


Tino, it takes a lot more work and you have to make sure you have the right fish before you start putting in live plants, ive thought about it for so long but then its so much easier with plastic, plus when you are bored you can change the tank around....not so much with live stuff!
You can have easy low light plants; you dont need Co2 unless you have a lot of light. Check out the list of plants in the planted forum for some suitable beginner ones. Live healthy growing plants look a lot better and help with water quality so your fish will be glad of the change. It doesnt have to be complicated if you get fast growing easy plants.
I am a 2-month old newbie and took plunge the past weekend and added an anacharis to my tank. I intended to use it to suppress algae. the folk in PET CLUB said this kind is very easy to maintain and grows fine. I hope so.

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