Aquarium Lights


New Member
May 2, 2004
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I was just wondering if it is absolutely essential to have an aquarium light. The prices they charge at LFS are ridiculous, something like $AU80 for the bulb + holder and another $AU80 for the hood. If I have to have one, what suggestions do people have to minimise cost? I have a glass lid which doesn't really fit due to having an Aquaclear Mini power filter. What have people done when using a power filter such as this when they want a light + lid?


Rob :dunno:
You will only need a light if you have plants, I personally have lights in all my tanks even the one without plants. If you have the tank where it gets some daylight then it should be ok, I think its importent to give the fish a sense of daytime night time, you can normally pick up a second hand light fairly cheap. At my LFS they sell off second hand stuff like filters, heaters and lights fairly cheap and it can save you some money, good luck
Yikes! $80AUD for a light bulb? I thought $18USD was bad... this equates to about $25AUD according to my currency converter.

I have a glass lid which doesn't really fit due to having an Aquaclear Mini power filter. What have people done when using a power filter such as this
The glass tops I have have plastic on the backside so you can cut out pieces to accomodate the filter and heater.
Yeah, Australian $80 but that was for a light bulb and the holder for it. Seems a lot for a light, even for a "special" light such as this. Then to add further insult, a wooden hood, not painted or treated, was another $80. I might save up a few $$$ and look for something cheaper, maybe at the hardware store or something. As for the glass lid, maybe I can cut it?


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