I was just wondering if it is absolutely essential to have an aquarium light. The prices they charge at LFS are ridiculous, something like $AU80 for the bulb + holder and another $AU80 for the hood. If I have to have one, what suggestions do people have to minimise cost? I have a glass lid which doesn't really fit due to having an Aquaclear Mini power filter. What have people done when using a power filter such as this when they want a light + lid?
I was just wondering if it is absolutely essential to have an aquarium light. The prices they charge at LFS are ridiculous, something like $AU80 for the bulb + holder and another $AU80 for the hood. If I have to have one, what suggestions do people have to minimise cost? I have a glass lid which doesn't really fit due to having an Aquaclear Mini power filter. What have people done when using a power filter such as this when they want a light + lid?