aquarium hoods for german tanks


New Member
Dec 6, 2003
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:/ :S please help!!! I am trying to figure out how to get a hood for a german made aquarium. My fiancee was stationed in Germany and bought an aquarium there and now it needs a new hood. Obviously the hoods here will not fit it. It is (roughly) a 30 gallon tank. Anyone have any suggestions? I tried looking up german companies but dipstick me...I don't understand a word of german and the website were all in german.
What kind of a hood are you talking about? You don't necessarily need anything else but a glass cover (usually in 2 pieces, can be custom made) and a light fixture of the right length. That's how all my tanks are put together. The light fixture can be moved around when opening the top.
Mr V.,

Thanks for those links - they have some stuff there that I just can't find in the UK.

Some of the translation needs a bit of work though :)
SACEM hang-on is to be operated ideally suitably around e.g. an aquarium of a system temporarily individually (e.g. during disease handling). Simply outside to the aquarium disk one hangs.

Cheers, Eddie
Glad to know, that those two links helped someone ;) (there is also e.g. but it's quite small, but there is alot of marine stuff)

I have ordered many times from, because all epuipment etc (including food...) are very expensive here in Fin. I have saved about 50% when ordering stuffs from German. Recently I ordered food, they cost about 100 euros (total sum) and if I had bought them from our local shops, they would have cost about 200 euros or more... :dunno:
:S :rolleyes: thanks to all the suggestions, and I did check out those websites by the way, unfortuanitly, I couldn't find anything and i don't know how to make one, so I am still up a creek without a hood....hehehe But thanks for all the responses.

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