Aquarium Fish Club?


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
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hi how can i found out what my local fish/aquarium club is??? I live in kerrville texas in the hill country ive heard you can get really good deals on plants and other aquatic stuff and just generally talk with ppl who share the same hobby of fishkeeping
You could start with a search of our own directory located here. It lists 10 clubs in Texas and a few in nearby states. If you find one close that does not have an auction coming up soon, ask them about other nearby clubs. Clubs are often aware of each other and members attend each other's auctions.
Another alternative is to ask at your local fish store, the mom and pop type, not the big chain stores. One of our LFS actually sponsors our own club and gives members a discount. Clubs and stores work together. Although we compete with them somewhat during an auction, the rest of the time the club's presence in town increases the number of fish keepers, and thus their business.

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