Aquarium construction


New Member
Mar 6, 2004
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Northern Ireland
Hi all
A question for any one who has knowledge of aquarium construction :-(
My question is where can i get info and or plans to make a tank?
The tank i want to make will be L6ft x W4ft x H3.5, i would prefer to make an all glass tank, but finding info on the subject has proved rather difficult up to now :wub:

I will be extemley grateful for any information :cool:

Kind regards

HI and welcome.

I spend a couple of days a week building aquariums. for a tank that size you are going to need to use glass of 19mm thickness. i would also go for a 25mm base or a laminated 19mm base. firstly you need a stand that is exacty flat, if not, the whole quuarium can end up as a pile og broken glass on an extreemly wet carpet. firstly, get the base into position. then run a thick bead of silicone along the edge. lift the first pain into position and drod this down into place on top of the silicone. then run a bead of silicone up the edge of that pain youv just stuck and then along the edge of the base again and lift the next pain into position and drop down onto the silicone. do this untill all 4 sides are done. let the silicone cure and geta pack of razors and cut away all the silcone which is exposed so the only parts that are siliconed together are the parts between the 2 pains of glass. you now need to get some masking tape and run this parrallel on both sides of every join about 8mm from the join. then go down the inside and silicone the joins. get your finger and run it over the silicone and so the silicone goes over onto the tape and simply once its done, peel off the tape before the silicone sets and you have nice neat seals. you now need brace bars. I'd run 3" wide ones all round the top of the tank and then 2 going across in the middle. you may get away with one but I'd play it safe and go for 2.

hope this helps

ste :)
No problem. It's funny how I came acrossed that site myself. I was interested in learning how to build my own tank several years ago and miraculously found it. The funny part is that I live less than three miles from the facility itself. Odd to have that amazing place be in Idaho. Though we do seem to have alot of great aquafurs around here.

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