aquarium backgrounds?


New Member
May 11, 2004
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Newcastle upon Tyne
Just wondering if anyone has any advice on backgrounds for tanks... you see you can see our patterned wallpaper through the tank and we were wondering what the best idea is for backgrounds?

and how do you apply the stuff?
Solid dark blue or black backgrounds should be available by the foot at your LFS.

The picture ones usually look fakey and don't bring out the colors of your fish as well as solid colors, IMO.
I agree, I unfortunatley have picture ones on 2 of my tanks. The one on the 160l is ok but I don't like the one in the 320l.

In the cube I will have blue or black (double sided).
i have had both patterned (plants rock, underwater athens look) and dark plain backgrounds, imo the blod black makes ur plants, fish stand out more... after all if its a colourfull/patterend background it takes ur eyes away from the fish/decore....

but its upto urself... its what ever look u want... :unsure:
I have 2 plain blue ones and one with fake plants etc. I like the plain ones much much better! But i can't change the one on my 55 gallon or else my bala will freak! :crazy:
I bought some fabric at a thrift store ... looks kinda like some kind of Chinese crossword puzzle. Lots of large, bold black and white pattern with orange highlights. It looks really damn cool, if I do say so myself. I wanted some kind of cool outer-space looking one, but then I found that fabric before finding an appropriate and cool space themed poster large enough to use.

My friend Matt has a Ramones poster for a tank background.

Have fun with it!
My 10 gallon has a background I bought from Wal-Mart and there's a painting behind my Gourami tank. The Cory tank hasn't got anything behind it but a wall.
modernhamlet said:
Solid dark blue or black backgrounds should be available by the foot at your LFS.

The picture ones usually look fakey and don't bring out the colors of your fish as well as solid colors, IMO.
That'd be great if my lfs carried any solid colored backgrounds. They all have some sort of backgrounds but only petco has a solid colored one. Unfortunately its a mirror background thats blue on one side and silver on the other. Right now the blue mirror is looking the best for me. If I get it hopefully it won't be too reflective :unsure:
i found some dark purple book covering stuff which i just stuck to the wall behind my tank. it looks great with my neons and rasboras!

dont get a picture background. they are crappy
I have cream coloured walls so left them plain at first but was advised that this would not bring out the colours in the fish and could scare them :( as it is unnatural.

HATE the horrible patterned 'scenery' backgrounds so stuffed a navy blue curtain down the gap between the wall and the tank. As it was a good fit it held itself up ( :D ) and the folds that occured gave a great relief pattern in the tank. The light reflected off the folds different too which was cool. Gave the tank more depth.

Fishes liked it :D :fish: :fish: :fish:

This is all in past tense - I needed the curtain back!! Got another piece of cloth to take its place now though :p :p :p

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