Aquapod 24g Setup - Strike That, M-tank


Aug 28, 2005
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I had a thread in here a while back, a journal of my wife's 10g nano. It went well, other than an unfortunate bleaching incident (she bleached the filter media, but didn't rinse it well enough apparently), but because of that, she became so frustrated that she took the whole thing down. I've decided that I miss all the little marine life in our study, so want to help her this time, and get an Aquapod 24G with the 70W metal halide lighting (unless I can find a decent price on the 150w lighting, any suggestions?). I do have a few questions about potential stocking and the tank itself though, which will probably play a big part in our excitement in getting this setup. On to the questions...

What is the filter like on the Aquapod? Is there an area for live rock rubble? Is there a recommended setup that most people with these tanks use?

I notice it has a skimmer built in... does it work well?

We don't plan on any corals that really need a lot of light (we really like mushrooms, so we'll most likely have a bunch of those and not much else), but I would love to have a small clam if possible, so is it possible in a nano? Would I definitely need the 150w light in that case? I don't think it'd be a good idea, but if it's doable, I'd definitely want one.

Is 24G enough for a banggai cardinal?

Would a banggai cardinal get along with a yellowhead jawfish (that is a must in this tank, since my wife never got one in the 10g)?

Thanks for your help!
Ok, I'm gonna reply to my own post...

From a little research, it seems as though a lot of people use skimmers with their aquapods, and put it in one of the back chambers. I'll probably end up doing this. Also, it seems that they can put macroalgae back there with a light, similar to the nanocube mod. Anyone done/seen this?

As for stocking, from what I've seen, a banggai cardinal and jawfish would be fine together in a 24g, and a clam would be fine with the 70w MH option.

Can anyone confirm all that for me? I wanna do this right :)
Not too familiar with the aquapods but a bangai should be fine in there, i know steelhealr has one in his.

A jawfish will need a deep substrate, not too sure if that would be a good idea in a small tank but it's up to you i guess

I've seen a few threads with people keeping them skimmers in the back chamber so i guess it's probably okay to do

Is the 24pod 18" deep? If so i'm not sure a 70w MH would be able to cut it with a clam especially if it's on the substrate. I'd think you'd be better off with the 150w if you wanted to try the harder corals and clams. Again it's up to you, Is there much difference between the prices with the different MH's?

HTH :)
Yes, the jawfish would need a deeper substrate.

The 150W isn't that much more (it's more, but if I had to have it, I'd do it), although after poking around on, it seems like people user chillers when they have the 150w. There's also quite a few that keep clams with the 70w it seems, so if anyone here has any experience, I'd love to know. Thanks Sf05.

Oh, and I don't care at all about "harder" corals. The light is for the clam only.
Nix the jawfish unless you can build up one corner with 4 inches of substrate. That one corner may either cause problems or get concreted. A banggai should do fine in there..not the most exciting fish but certainly an eye catcher.

You shouldn't need a skimmer on a 24G...water changes should do fine. Most skimmers that fit in the back chamber have been worthless.

A clam might do OK under 150W HQI but they can grow large. They ARE susceptible to disease and if they die can crash your nano.

SH want my honest opinion? I would say its a rip off. heres why. I know from my local LFS and searching around that I can get a 32x15x18 with overflows and plumbing kit shipped to my door for just over 300$. 3x maxi jet powerheads 15$ 250 halide pendant 250$ yea you get a skimmer with that tank, but your getting one ive never heard of. It just seems to me that you could save some cash if you bought the system yourself, did some bargin shopping.

-edit- you could also get a much bigger glass tank for less than that.

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