

Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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We`re after settie luminare ng up a new tank and we`ve seen an aqua one tank thats very pretty and an aqua one luminaire that is exactly right.

so is the filter that comes with tthe tank any good or should we just bin it??? same with the luminare will it just be pants????
ummm....what tank? what filter? what luminare?

Kind of impossible to say without knowing what models :lol:

I have 2 Aquaone CF1000 external filters on my tank (also aquaone) and i find them brilliant, havnt got one bad word to say about them :good:
The tank BigIan and Miss Wiggle are looking at is the Aquiance 2050 (or 2055?) supplied with a CF1200 filter, so that answeres two of your questions IanH, just leaving the luminare. ;)

The cabinet has a good finish, but it's thin MDF with that shrink-wrap finish put over it to water-proof it. IME the slightest bit of water in the wrong place can start the stand's finish to peel away, leaving the MDF exposed to the water also.... :sly: Feel like building your own Ian? cause thats what I'd do :nod: Alternatively, get a load of 4X2 under it to hold the whole weight and place clear tape over all the edges to stop the water finding any "wrong places" :good: Would have told you that on Saturday, but I wasn't feeling lucky and with both bosses on the prowl..... -_- If you want honset opinions the whole time while I'm at work next time, speak to me in the fish room, away from the Senior staff ;)

The tank is a new one in their range, a 2ft cube built from 12mm glass, where 8mm would suffice, so better glueing area and theoretically better seam-life due to reduced stress on the seams. Should be more "knock" resistant too. The tank bit is excellent quality.

I haven't owned an Aquaone exturnal so can't realy coment there.

The tank should be A1, but the cabinet could be better (like most) :nod:

Lol the chipboard its made of would hold the weight easily. but will have another look next time we come in.
I was just wondering what aqua one as a brand is like. not any particular model as such as havent picked one yet....
I'm at work next time, speak to me in the fish room, away from the Senior staff ;)


you're trying to Lure Ian into the fish room with you again after last time....... :hyper: :blush:
I have the aqua one 620t tank. I've done away with the filter system in the hood as i feel its not up to much so i use an internal fluval Plus3. I use a sandy bottom as the lights arent that powerful so the sand reflects the light back being a deep tank. Nice tank but some shortcomings but then you get that with all tanks really,they all have niggly faults.
Lol the chipboard its made of would hold the weight easily. but will have another look next time we come in.
I was just wondering what aqua one as a brand is like. not any particular model as such as havent picked one yet....

It's not so much a case of it holding the weight, it's more, it gets damp and the finish peels away leaving a naff finish to the cabinet :good:


you're trying to Lure Ian into the fish room with you again after last time....... :hyper: :blush:

Bad move I know, but with you about, he can't do too much :unsure: :look: :S
Lol the chipboard its made of would hold the weight easily. but will have another look next time we come in.
I was just wondering what aqua one as a brand is like. not any particular model as such as havent picked one yet....

It's not so much a case of it holding the weight, it's more, it gets damp and the finish peels away leaving a naff finish to the cabinet :good:


BE reet

you're trying to Lure Ian into the fish room with you again after last time....... :hyper: :blush:

Bad move I know, but with you about, he can't do too much :unsure: :look: :S

wanna bet?
Lol the chipboard its made of would hold the weight easily. but will have another look next time we come in.
I was just wondering what aqua one as a brand is like. not any particular model as such as havent picked one yet....

It's not so much a case of it holding the weight, it's more, it gets damp and the finish peels away leaving a naff finish to the cabinet :good:


you're trying to Lure Ian into the fish room with you again after last time....... :hyper: :blush:

Bad move I know, but with you about, he can't do too much :unsure: :look: :S

wanna bet?!

wanna bet?

wanna bet?!

thats just scary!
The tank BigIan and Miss Wiggle are looking at is the Aquiance 2050 (or 2055?) supplied with a CF1200 filter, so that answeres two of your questions IanH, just leaving the luminare. ;)

The cabinet has a good finish, but it's thin MDF with that shrink-wrap finish put over it to water-proof it. IME the slightest bit of water in the wrong place can start the stand's finish to peel away, leaving the MDF exposed to the water also.... :sly: Feel like building your own Ian? cause thats what I'd do :nod: Alternatively, get a load of 4X2 under it to hold the whole weight and place clear tape over all the edges to stop the water finding any "wrong places" :good: Would have told you that on Saturday, but I wasn't feeling lucky and with both bosses on the prowl..... -_- If you want honset opinions the whole time while I'm at work next time, speak to me in the fish room, away from the Senior staff ;)

The tank is a new one in their range, a 2ft cube built from 12mm glass, where 8mm would suffice, so better glueing area and theoretically better seam-life due to reduced stress on the seams. Should be more "knock" resistant too. The tank bit is excellent quality.

I haven't owned an Aquaone exturnal so can't realy coment there.

The tank should be A1, but the cabinet could be better (like most) :nod:


Ah ok :good: Well like i've said i have 2 x cf1000 filters and i find them fantastic! not sure on the cf1200 but i would imagine they would be just as good but pump more water :nod:

a cf1200 on a 50g tank would be fine i think
We`re after settie luminare ng up a new tank and we`ve seen an aqua one tank thats very pretty and an aqua one luminaire that is exactly right.

so is the filter that comes with tthe tank any good or should we just bin it??? same with the luminare will it just be pants????

Well we prefer the brand Aqua One when it comes to our fishies and their homes. We run 2x Aqua One Aqua Start 320s and 1x Aqua One 4ft by 2.5ft and another everyday 3ft communal tank. We never have any problems with any thing apart from our tank that isnt an Aqua One. Our two large tanks have an external Aqua One CF700 external filter and an Aqua One CF1200 external filter. We also use aqua one heaters etc. Our big 4ft Aqua One tank came with the external filter, heater etc. It was retailed at $2000aus and we got it for just over $1000aus. I find the Aqua one tanks nice and deep which works well for our cichlids.


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