Aquaessentials 4dkh Water


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 13, 2006
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Hi All,

This is to anyone who has purchased any of the 4dKH water from Aquaessentials.

I have been having a few problems with the stuff I got, in that is was turning green when I added the reagent, not the blue I was expecting. Then when I added it to the tank it went a yellow/orange colour, even at very low CO2 bubble rates. I removed it from the tank and let it sit for a bit, but it only went green again and has never been blue. I tried two different reagent but the same thing happened.

I then tested the water with my API KH test kit (1 drop = 1dKH) and its saying its got less than 1dKH in it i.e. it turns yellow after just a single drop.

I have spoken to two other people who have tested theirs and they are getting the same result. I have emailed Richard at AE and he will no doubt get back to me, but I just wanted to find out who else gets the same result.

So could anyone who's got some AE 4dKH water and a KH test kit, test it for me and post the results like follows. If you have more than one KH test kit then even better.

Test kit - (make)
Result - (number of drops required to get reading)
KH reading - (resulting KH level based on the drops required)

So for me it would be

Test kit - API
Result - 1 drop to turn water yellow
KH reading - less than 1dKH

Many thanks :)


PS - I will add that I am a massive fan of AE and this is not meant to undermine their reputation and its the first time Ive never had reason to question their products before. I'm just trying to work out if firstly I am doing something wrong or if this is an isolated case :) I have emailed Richard at AE and will let people know what his response is. He might even post on this thread.
my result was the same

Test kit - Nutrafin
Result - 1 drop to turn water yellow
KH reading - 1dKH

I havent used mine in the tank yet as Im still waiting for my bromos blue reagent to arrive in the post
Strange, but I've just been looking to order this from AE and it appears that it's been taken off the listing.
If you follow the link AE 4 dKH solution you will find it missing.
I wonder if it's a poor batch. I'm sure Richard will let you know.
yeh i've been looking to buying this stuff aswell but noticed its been missin off their website for a good few days now
Yeh I've been chatting to Richard about this and he said he'd taken it off the site until he can get to the bottom of the issue. I'll let people know when he's got something sorted. Which I'm sure he will :)


PS - Thanks for the test Terri :)
This is a message from Richard himself:

OK guys

Many of you have been having problems with your 4dkh solution that I have been selling and here's why.

I was sent the wrong ppm from the lab?! :blink:

Anyone who has purchased it has a solution that is 1.6 kh.

So here's my proposal. Anyone who has purchased from me, please drop me an email to [email protected] stating your order number when you initially purchased.

When the new stock comes in, I'll send you out the 4dkH solution plus a free bromo blue to say sorry for the inconvenience.

I hope to have the new solution early part of next week.

Once again sorry for the confusion but I hope this puts things right

great, I emailed Richard today so hopefully will get a replacement when he has them.............Im glad my test kit wasnt that unreliable otherwise I may as well throw them all away
Not yet, Richard said he was waiting for the brome blue before sending it out.

The kit was designed to work with bromo blue. I cant tell you if other kits would work. However, the nutrafin low range pH (6-7.6pH) is brome blue so get that one.


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