

New Member
Jan 16, 2009
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Hi my name is Ted,I have three fire belly newts in my tank and I have been using an Aquadomehome to provide air and and a place for them to dry off,they seem to love it coming and going as they like.For feeding I have been chopping up small worms and just throwing them in the tank they go right after them,for the winter I use the pellets just drop them in .My newts are two and half years old or so and doing great.I keep my tank full of water so I can keep some tropical fish at the same time and the newts are always swimming and crawling around.I have a video on Youtube if you want check it out.Thanks for the great forum .
You can also feed them frozen bloodworms and frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms are preferred. Live blackworms are great too and your fish will most likely eat this too. What type of fish are in with your newts?
hmm im guessing neons? Probably not with flowers horn and chichilids.

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