Aquaclears & Sand


Apr 25, 2004
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Dearborn Heights, MI (Near Detroit)
Has anyone had a problem with Aquaclear filters and sand getting caught in the motor? I've not had a problem (though I use CaribSea's sand, which is heavier and settles much quicker than the alternatives..) However, one of my LFS owners recommends NOT using Hang-On-Back filters, especially Aquaclears when using sand as a substrate for this reason.
I got a aqua Clear Mini on 5g with sand and a betta :) It works fine, my engine has been jammed a few times when ive really stired up the sand tho :/
I haven't yet had a problem with it on a biowheel mini on a 10g with sand, but I keep an eye on it and try not to stir it up so much or around the filter, or when I do, I lift the tube up so it's not pulling in new water.
I got a AC500 and corel sand in one of my tanks and i havnt had that problem yet but then again my tank is 20" high maybe thats why.
Half my tanks have pool filter sand (2 40gs, a 17g and the 2g betta tank). Every one of these tanks except the betta's has an aquaclear filter. I've had no problem with sand at all, even with the extensions to the intakes attached. :D
Lenna, what type of fish do you have in those tanks because in my canister filter (Witch is also running on the same tank) i do find sand every now and then but i have large cichlids in that tank who fight and push sand everywhere in the water, the only reason why the other one doesnt get sand in it is because its high up i would say.
I have HOB filters and sand substrate (yay for sand!). Haven't had any problems with the sand getting into the filter. If some has gotten in there, it must not have caused any problems, 'cause my filters still work :thumbs:

aka Married Lizard
if it really worries you take a one of the sponge insterts that come with the ACs a razorblade, and a rubberband cut a good peice of the sponge off and then start cutting it down even further till it fits nice to get it to go over teh intake cut a slit in the middle of it and then attach it with a rubber band over the end of the intake. keeps the sand out and allows the water to move through just fine.
juanveldez said:
if it really worries you take a one of the sponge insterts that come with the ACs a razorblade, and a rubberband cut a good peice of the sponge off and then start cutting it down even further till it fits nice to get it to go over teh intake cut a slit in the middle of it and then attach it with a rubber band over the end of the intake. keeps the sand out and allows the water to move through just fine.
Doesn't really worry me, but good idea!

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