Aquaclear Vs Whisper Vs Penguin..

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- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I seem to be having some filter problems lately..

I've got a whisper XXX number in my 55g tank.. for some reason there's always some weird brown crap floating around and all over ornaments.. I don't overfeed, I do water changes once a week.. have no clue why..

In another tank I have a penguin bio wheel.. same problem.. I do more water changes in this tank, and there seems to be more light brown stuff floating around and all over everything..

My aquaclears haven't caused me many problems.. although somehow one was overheating.. I'm guessing something to do with the impeller..

What are your experiences with these filters?

I also have fluval internal filters - which I love.. never really had problems with them.. like them a lot!
I've owned both the aquaclear and penguin before. I never considered buying the whisper because aquaclear clearly outbeats it. The whisper has a cartridge system and once you throw that out, you go through another cycle all over again. I don't find the Whisper anything special, just your typical HOB filter? The penguin is also a cartridge system + a biowheel. All of the cartridges that you must buy "every month" is expensive so I cheat the system and just buy aquaclear sponges and use those instead. The sponges are excellent for beneficial bacteria to make a home. :good:

I think the penguin attracts many people because of the idea behind it. I like it but I hate the cheap motor. It's loud and won't work correctly when you don't have the height level & tank height at a certain level. But once everything is correct, the penguin is set to go. :p

The aquaclear was my first filter I ever bought and it has benefits that most HOB filters do not have and then some. The motor is really efficient and has been a lifetime warranty. One of the best mechanical filters for small tanks around, IMO... ^_^
I have mostly AC's running in my tanks, 12 just counting in my head. I have a box in the closet with spare filters, Whispers & Penguins are among them. The AC's do the best job, I've run most all of them, I give them torture tests. :lol: I have a Hartz filter I picked up used, it is the only one that comes close to the AC's so far.
I hate the whisper one I have... absolutely hate it.. I want to sell the whole tank based on the yucky filter.. Maybe I should just buy a new ac... I can get the one for tanks up to 100g for like $60 Canadian I believe
Buy the ac & enjoy your tank. :) If you don't have sand, extend the intake. I do this with all my ac's, you can do a 50% water change without shutting them off. Try that with a Whisper.
Actually my whisper has an extender thingy.. but I still hate it... constantly makes noise.. I've cleaned the impeller and whole filter so many times it still doesn't stop the annoying noises...

I switched the tank from sand to gravel thinking it was the sands fault the tank wasn't looking so good... turns out it was just the ugly filter, cause the tank still has yuckies floating around.

I wonder if I can get someone to buy this stupid whisper off me... I shall find out
Keep it as a spare, you can always toss some cycled media in it if you need to set up a quar or med tank. It's the only reason I keep mine, or they would be long gone.
the ugly brown crap might be algae of some kind, or decomposing plants.

and the best filter is a canister filter. try the xp's.
The best filter, or combination of filters, depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your tank. Canisters excell in some respects, and are lacking in others.

If you want to go with canisters, spend a few extra bucks & get an Eheim.
The biowheel filter has solved my ammonia and nitrite problems for a while.

Canisters become useless in small tanks, IMO. Canisters are mainly biological. And small tanks usually don't have the oxygen capacity to keep up with all the filtration while keeping your fishes with sustainable oxygen supply. But if you have a decent size tank, by all means, purchase a canister if you can afford it. B)

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