Aquaclear Ionizer?!


New Member
Jul 13, 2007
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Hi all,

I've found this product on ebay. It sounds really good but I wondered if any of you have tried it?!

Do you think it would work in a heavily planted tank? Am no scientist and not really sure what ionizing does to the water, but he gets some pretty good reviews!


nickyc :)
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Sorry to burst your bubble nicky, but thats a "Snake Oil" type product. Ionizing the water works great inside the actual reaction chamber... But as soon as the water exits the chamber it returns to its old state.
Thank you SkiFletch!

I don't feel as silly as I would if I'd bought it! :blush: It's amazing though - the guy has 100% positive feedback! I've been googling since I posted and found this article which debunks it quite successfully.

Nice little scam though I guess :unsure:

Thanks again

Yeah. Its funny, if people expect to see a change they will most likely see one if it happens or not :)

Why where you thinking of getting one? There are some good products out there that will help clear the water and others that can be used to buffer PH (though I wouldnt recommend these).
Hi Barney,

I did wonder what all his happy customers thought about this magic piece of kit 6 months down the line!

I'm looking at ways of bringing down nitrates - unfortunately for me and my fishes, my tap water has quite high nitrates compared to where I used to live. Plan A is to use half and half RO/tap water on a water change though. I'm due to set up a new (bigger) tank soon and was going to fill it 50/50 too. Any thoughts?!

How high are the nitrates? It has been shown that the majority of fish will do fine in water with high nitrates (up to and exceeding 100ppm).

There are some products you can get that you put in your filter which remove nitrates. There are also some filters that you can put inline with a canister filter to remove nitrate. I haven't used either but there are a lot of products out there and I'm sure someone can recommend some good ones.

Something else you might want to consider is using plants. Floating plants in particular absorb a lot of Nitrate and other waste materials from the water column (I'm pretty sure I could remove the filter from my planted tank now if I wanted to and not notice any spikes in ammonia, etc). Probably cheaper and less hassle then any other option.
I saw someone who brought one of those and cut it open to see what was inside. Believe it or not all it is is a tube with some magnets taped to the side and then wrapped up in some packing. What amazes me is the feedback where people think it works so well.

I saw someone who brought one of those and cut it open to see what was inside. Believe it or not all it is is a tube with some magnets taped to the side and then wrapped up in some packing. What amazes me is the feedback where people think it works so well.


LMAO. The awesome power of magnets!!! :)

I love this part "FACT! it provides a more stable homeostasis environment" :lol:
oh and "AQUA-CLEAR specific magnetic polarity..."

While I'm sure there are a lot of wacky sounding ideas out there that will prove to be true I'm pretty sure sticking some magnets in a tube is not going to do a lot for water quality :)
James that's shocking!! What a con artist!!

Barney, kind of hard to say what level my nitrates are at... i'm kind of sceptical of test kits right now! I've tested using an Interpet tablet test and got a reading of 50, but with my b/f's Red Sea Liquid I got a reading of 20. We're going away for 3 weeks so I wanted to make sure they were as low as possible beforehand. 20 I'm ok with, 50 - not so much. I put some Nitrate Minus in with the last water change

My new 3' tank, which is currently sad and empty in the garage :( , is going to be fairly heavily planted. My current 2' has a fair few plants in, but is not very well lit. Can't wait to get my big tank set up though and I'm more excited about the plants than the fish!! :D


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