Aquaclear filter question...


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2004
Reaction score
Milwaukee Wisconsin
:kana: I'm thinking of trying an Aquaclear filter on a new 20 gal tank. I
like the fact that you can customize filter media, unlike the Penguin BioWheel
on my 15 now.
New tank will be mostly tetras, and I tend to push the limits on fish stocking.
I'm thinking of using filter floss in place of the carbon in the filter basket.
In the top position in filter basket, I was thinking of using a product called ChemPure.
It comes in a 10 oz bag, which I think I'd have to cut open and put part of the
contents in the smaller Aquaclear filter media bag. Is this a good idea or no?
Any suggestions on what to put in the top portion of filter basket would be appreciated.
you could try some peat maybe? if your keeping south amrican fish that is
:D hiya Steve

I've got aquaclears on my 2ft and 3 ft tanks.....just love them and the ease of maintaining them.......I rinse the sponges out in the siphoned out old tank water most w/changes to get the sediment out and keep the filter flowing freely.

I just have the sponges in the filter baskets......I use 2 in each basket so if I need to set up a tank I have a spare.........and if one has to be thrown out then still have the other with the bacteria. I don't use the carbon inserts unless I want to remove something (e.g. meds) from the water.

Have been using the aquaclears like this for bout 3 yrs now and haven't had any problems with them. My tanks are often overstocked as I have guppies - have a fluctuating population and when the babies are getting bigger the filter certainly needs to work well.

good luck with them

I use Two sponges and then a layer of filter floss for finer water polishing. Double sponges won't really help any more for mechanical filtration, but it will double the bio-filtration of the filter, which is great for overstocking.

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