Aquaclear 40 filter good enough?


Fish Addict
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I'm using the Aquaclear 40 (use to be Aquaclear 200) on my 30 gal tank. My tank never seems to be crystal clear. I've tried carbon, but it didn't make a difference. It always looks slightly cloudy. I've tested my water and everything is good. My 10 gal has an Aquaclear mini and it's always crystal clear. Do you think that the filter is strong enough for the 30 gal? It's rated for tanks up to 50 gal. I'm using 2 sponges and filter floss. My tanks been up and running for 4 months now. :/

If you want to spend the money or it is that bad I am sure another filter would help at least a little bit

Or you could try more carbon or more filter floss or more watter changes
I have a 30 gallon and use the AquaClear 70. The water is pretty clear, especially after I added a second sponge.
I'm using an Aquaclear 200 with a Penguin 170 on my 33G, water isn't as clear as I'd like it to be, partly due to the tannins from the wood in there. But otherwise, I'm satisfied w/ the quality.
Just a little update, my water for some reason has cleared up. The cloudiness is gone. :D Maybe it was just a bacterial bloom. I also cleaned up my filter and intake tube. They were pretty dirty gunky.

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