Aquabid Bettas

Well Aquabid has some pairs.

Green pair
Another green pair
(though the pics look the same to me :/ )

Double Ray Pair

I'm sure there are other pairs as well. Sometimes if you see a male you like, click on it and see if the seller offers a spawn sibling with it (they do that sometimes).

Best of luck in finding what you are looking for. :D
Yes, these look like the same picture to me. I wonder if they are the same fish but listed as different ones?
I like that 84elmo2001 guy, he has realtively good bettas at a cheap price. He's easy to work with.
Don't forget shipping. Breeding quality Bettas + shipping in cold weather can be $30 easily.

The pic of the green pair is probably one pic of a sibling pair of a spawn. Those are two different auctions for two different pairs but using the same pic. The pairs are probably similar. You could probably get several males and females at the same price if you took the bid. In this case the fish would cost a minimum of $22.

Ahem, I like the double ray pair. :)
Thanks. Do you have any suggestions on the age, color, etc.? I want a pair that looks alike so the fry will be pretty uniform.

I just looked again. There are so many beautiful bettas my head is spinning! :S

My dad's a tightwad :big_boss:, so I have to chop and stack loads of wood for over an hour for five bucks. :X It's hard work and I usually don't have enough free daylight time with school and football.
As was said in another thread there are fish with a much higher demand and that are easier and less expensive to spawn and raise the fry.

It is very expensive to breed and raise Bettas. You will almost certainly not make your money back and you wil be taking all your time to take care of the fry. They even need to be fed frequently throughout the day.

If you are getting the fish from Aquabid, PM the seller and ask him/her, but 3 months old. Any reputable seller on Aquabid (check the feedback for the seller) will tell you if the pair is breeder quality. Use an experienced and reputable Betta supplier.
I was looking at a couple of pairs and a trio from 84elmo2001. Is he on this forum?

It is very expensive to breed and raise Bettas. You will almost certainly not make your money back and you wil be taking all your time to take care of the fry. They even need to be fed frequently throughout the day.

I don't know. I see some delicious demand for $15 bettas on Aquabid.
Remember shipping

The initial cost of the Bettas is the least of the costs assciated with breeding Bettas. There are several breeders on this forum. Ask them the cost in time and money of raising Betta fry from just one successful spawn--assuming the fish don't hurt or kill each other during the spawn attempt.
I'm sorry, but I'm going for it. Are there any good breeders on this forum that would dell me a pair? They would have to live in the US. What I meant by the $15 bettas statement was that I could sell nice bettas, if any came up in the first brood, for $15. I could also leach money from the shipping, like every other fish dealer.
I know when I joined the IBC, I was able to get a pair for only the price of shipping. I currently have two spawns, but they are not crowntails and they are only 3 weeks old at the moment. They won't be ready to ship out for a few months yet, otherwise, I'd send you a pair for the cost of shipping. And I wouldn't "leach" money from you on the shipping like you suggest other breeders do. I haven't shipped bettas yet, but I don't think they really leach money from you. If you factor in the price of the box to ship in (and some of them use styrofoam inserts in their boxes), the bags, etc. (depending on the breeder, some of them add betta spa or other things to help the bettas not be stressed during shipment), I think you'll find they aren't leaching money from you at all. :D
So you're saying it costs $35 to ship you a zebra danio? Online dealers leach money.

Umm. It does cost about that much when you want to ship a fish.
I emailed Lina Olson, the person who handles fish imported from other countries, about shipping, and this is what she replied:
Nice to meet you. . .I have standardized my rates on USPS Experss Mail
and Priority Mail. Total shipping costs on 1 betta are: Import fees .60 /
Handling $2 / Shipping box $5 / Heat pack $2 / Express Mail $28 / Total
which is a Next Day delivery by Express mail. Each additional fish
will be only $3.60 for shipping, so it might be best to get more than one or
go in with a friend to split costs.
You can save $15 on those rates by having me send him by Priority Mail,
which almost always arrives in 2 days but, since it has no guaranteed
delivery date and no tracking, . . most Sellers will ask the customer to
save money this way at their own risk (ie no Live Delivery guarantee) . ..
I hope this answers your questions. .. Please feel free to email me any
time with more questions. . .. Linda

Priority Mail is not a good options because there is a bigger chance that they can die in transaction and most people will demand Express shipping.
As you can see, if you don't factor import fee or handling costs when you ship fish, it still costs $35.

Also, look up equipments online. If you want to breed fish, you will need to get containers for them. You will need to buy heat packs and shipping boxes too. Don't forget padding for the boxes. And we haven't even given you "handling fees" yet.

Think a bit more before you jump into it.
So you're saying it costs $35 to ship you a zebra danio? Online dealers leach money.

Umm. It does cost about that much when you want to ship a fish.
I emailed Lina Olson, the person who handles fish imported from other countries, about shipping, and this is what she replied:
Nice to meet you. . .I have standardized my rates on USPS Experss Mail
and Priority Mail. Total shipping costs on 1 betta are: Import fees .60 /
Handling $2 / Shipping box $5 / Heat pack $2 / Express Mail $28 / Total
which is a Next Day delivery by Express mail. Each additional fish
will be only $3.60 for shipping, so it might be best to get more than one or
go in with a friend to split costs.
You can save $15 on those rates by having me send him by Priority Mail,
which almost always arrives in 2 days but, since it has no guaranteed
delivery date and no tracking, . . most Sellers will ask the customer to
save money this way at their own risk (ie no Live Delivery guarantee) . ..
I hope this answers your questions. .. Please feel free to email me any
time with more questions. . .. Linda

Priority Mail is not a good options because there is a bigger chance that they can die in transaction and most people will demand Express shipping.
As you can see, if you don't factor import fee or handling costs when you ship fish, it still costs $35.

Also, look up equipments online. If you want to breed fish, you will need to get containers for them. You will need to buy heat packs and shipping boxes too. Don't forget padding for the boxes. And we haven't even given you "handling fees" yet.

Think a bit more before you jump into it.
have you tried ebay they have tons of bettas
The ones that might be making a little extra profit in the shipping right now are the shipping companies, whose rates went up with the enormous bump in gas prices which has now dropped almost a dollar a gallon. (In the USA.)

Sometimes a handler/seller will pay more, sometimes less, depending on the distance to be shipped. I just paid $99 shipping for a large box of fish shipped from Louisville, KY, to Fresno, California. The seller lost money on the shipping, because FedEx charged more than their quote so the total for him was $108, and he ate the extra charge. ship their fish from their fish holding in CA. They charge a standardized rate. If they ship to me they make a marginal bit extra; if they ship to a small village in Massachusetts they pay more.

If you want to play, you got to pay.

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