Aqua Scaping Help


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Hey all,

Well the new tank is running and hanging in there - few problems with a mini cycle but I'm on top of it. The thing that I'm struggling with is the scaping. I want it to look amazing but it's starting to look a mess instead. Certain things I'm happy with but the positioning of the plants is the main thing I just can't get the hang of. I thought I'd post some pictures and throw it out there for idea's from everyone here.



I think I've fallen out with the black sand like gravel - I'm almost decided that I'm going to try remove it and keep the small smooth black pebbles. I like the bogwood but the fern is rather plonked anywhere I could get it and I keep looking at it and wondering if I should move it before it gets attached.

I think the stones look okay-ish, but the plants ... They look untidy and I've more or less plonked them in and hoped they looked right. I was thinking about moving the vallis into one area, possibly the left corner where my cories tend to hang out and hide and moving the amazon swords into a clump over by the filter box....

What I found really helped me was having a look in the Planted section of these forums. There's a sticky in there somewhere with explanations of pictures of different types of aquascapes. There's some really inspiring stuff in there. My tank would never have ended up like it did without looking at that.

If you're not a creative person, it may help you to copy something. Even if you are creative like I am, I found the inspiration a great help.
The thing to avoid is having it look like you've planted a vegetable garden, as Tizer once said. I'd opt for groups of plants, and make them look like they sprouted up of their own doing. I really like the substrate as it is, btw.

Maybe take one of the slate pieces and lean it up against the other, then move the bogwood over to the left. The vallis can line the back wall, but attach the java fern in places to the bogwood, group the swords on the opposite side (not immediately next to each other, but a few inches apart.)

Just my thoughts.
Maybe try moving the plants so they look like they are growing up between the rocks and the woods. its give for a more natural look.
thanks ... I'm reading the hints and tips and opinions and taking it all in. I'll be doing another water change/general clean and tidy next weekend so that gives time for more ideas etc.

I did look at the planted section on here - there wasn't anything that jumped out at me enough to make me want to try and copy. I am quite creative normally but somehow this has me stumped
I like the look of your black sand AND pebbles..I think it looks more naturally textured then one or the other.
I like the look of your black sand AND pebbles..I think it looks more naturally textured then one or the other.

That is what I aimed for to be honest - I wanted it to look different. The only problem comes from the gravel vac. Once you've done a thorough vac it leaves it looking like a mess. I may live with it for a bit longer yet
Looks about 800% better than my tank to be honest. I'm no good at aquascaping.
Looks about 800% better than my tank to be honest. I'm no good at aquascaping.

aww thanks :D I'm just not satisfied with the look of the plants yet. Still listening to any advice, hints or tips :D
Personally I think your tank looks really nice as it is :hyper:
I quite liked mine when I first did it, but now I keep looking at it & think I could do it better.
I think we all think like that at some point
Personally I think your tank looks really nice as it is :hyper:

Again thanks :D

I quite liked mine when I first did it, but now I keep looking at it & think I could do it better.
I think we all think like that at some point

Yeah, I think you could be right ... I keep thinking it could look better than it does and I know the recent bunches of valis where kind of thrown in in a hurry. Maybe it's that that is bothering me. I just keep looking at it and thinking ... it's okay and isn't bad but could it be better
Give the plants time to grow a bit and it'll look a different tank.

One thing I try to avoid is plants all of the same height all along the back as it looks a bit too neat. You may even prefer it with fewer plants than you have once they get bigger. Sometimes less is more.

Try to make you main focus point at one end, then leave a gap, and have a little less at the other end. Eg:

Position the wood one third from the left end of the tank and place a couple of swords behind it, and a little vallis around the sides of it. Then another clump of vallis around the stones near the filter.

I'd leave the gravel, it's good gravel and is just a base, once you get the plants sorted how you like them you won't even notice it.

Maybe sketch a few ideas and leave it a week or so.

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