Aqua One Regency 80 Filter Hose Question


Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Wimborne, Dorset
Hi all

Wonder if you could help.

I have the above tank, inherited from a friend, it has a replacement plastic hood on it as the wood one suffered from the condensation problem.

I can't make the inlet hose fit properly. I've ended up with it upside down in the tank


The inside of the tank obviously has the glass shelving inside holding the tank rigid, but I think the holes in the back of the hood aren't lined up properly as the instructions say the inlet "walking stick" should attach to the flexible hose and hang down inside the tank, but where the gap in the hood is, the shelf is in the way, the only way to get the "walking stick" into the water is to use the adapters into the hose and put the "walking stick" part in upside down.


The outlet is fine, as it's just the straight spray bar attached to the end of the flexible hose stuck down the edge of the tank.


I suppose my questions are: 1. Is it ok to have the inlet like this, I'm worried that it's not picking up enough of the rubbish off the floor of the tank?
2. Can you get straight hoses and just attach the filter part on it, or am I doing something really stupid!

As you look at the tank, the outlet is on the left hand side and the inlet on the right hand side.

Thanks for any advice.
The crook of the walking stick should hang over the back of the tank. If you cannot fit it this way, simply cut off the crook and attach the strainer on the end of the straight pipe you have left.

Depending on how long you've had the replacement hood for it might be worth contacting Aqua One. They seem to have sent you a plastic hood to one 'design' and the tank is of another. The gaps should line up.
As they don't, what you have done seems to be the best way. Only thing I would do is as per the above posting go with a straight pipe for the inlet rather than the walking stick.
Brillian, thanks for that, never even thought about cutting it at the straight part!!

Trouble is I'm not sure how old the tank is, a friend decided he didn't have the time for the hobby any more so he kindly let me have it, but I suppose I could ring Aqua One and describe the problem and see what they think.

In the meantime, will get the hacksaw out!

Thanks again.
In the meantime, will get the hacksaw out!

or try and buy some striaght pipe of the right diameter, it will probably work out cheaper than having to buy a new walking stick piece if anything changes in the future :)
In the meantime, will get the hacksaw out!

or try and buy some striaght pipe of the right diameter, it will probably work out cheaper than having to buy a new walking stick piece if anything changes in the future :)

Yep, true, if I ever wanted to pass the tank on, then it's still got the original bits with it.

I'll have a look at what plastic it is and pop to B&Q!

In the meantime, will get the hacksaw out!

or try and buy some striaght pipe of the right diameter, it will probably work out cheaper than having to buy a new walking stick piece if anything changes in the future :)

Yep, true, if I ever wanted to pass the tank on, then it's still got the original bits with it.

I'll have a look at what plastic it is and pop to B&Q!

hi 'flippajh
if want to reshape your straight piece of pipe you can fill it with sand and gentley heat it (boiling water or flame)and reshape it to almost any shape you want/be careful and be safe
Guys, thanks for all your help!!

Was rummaging through the box of bits I got given with the tank and found a longer walking stick part, so took the hack saw to it (well Dad's hack-saw!) and now have a perfect solution (and 10 fingers left!!).



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