Aqua One External Filter Cf1000


New Member
Jul 6, 2008
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(2nd post in different forum).


Just after some advice if anybody else has had a similar problem!

I have tried installing a new Aqua One CF1000 external filter to my tank today (120 litres). CF-1000 is good for 250 litres.

Connected everything up, managed to get the filtered primed after a bit of trial and error, but generally very noisy, which contradicted all the reviews on the net which say very quiet.

Double checked everything, instructions are not great (1 page of A4) but downloaded better ones from aqua one web site and can't see what I'm doing wrong.

Question: Black Sealing O-rings - how many should the filter have? I have been supplied one but not sure if I should have 2 (one in-between the 2 baskets and one at the inlet pipe).

I've only been supplied one black sealing o-ring.

Filter seems to be sucking and blowing a lot of air, I've run out of things to try apart from take it back to the shop :unsure: !

I have never come across a filter with more than one seal ring, though I have never used an Aqua one. I have seen one out of the box though, but TBH, I wasn't paying attention to the seals :unsure:

Apply Vaseline to all seals. The nise will be it expelling air, which can take a few hours. It could also not be pimed right. Switch it off. Rock it gently a few times, switch it on and then shake like crazy. This should help it along :good: If it is still "belching" in the morning, there is a leak somewhere in the inlet side, and I'd take to to the shop. They can see the actual problem themselves, and thus will be in better sead to advise (very unusual that, LFS advise on everything else is poor....) If they is a genuine fault, they will replace it usualy on the spot. If you have made an error, they will fix it and show you how to avoid it cropping up again :nod:

i have 2 of these running on my tank and find them great!!

I honestly can't remember how many rings were on it though sorry! it was very noisy for a while though, i found hitting/shaking the filters worked quite well! :lol: :blush: As long as it's not leaking i would say its fine! just tap it every now and then to free up the air bubbles inside

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