Aqua One Aqua Start 500


Marine Enthusiast!
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Kidderminster, Worcs
I have been looking for a new tropical fish tank and reasonably price i stumbled across the aquaone aqua start 500, with a stand it comes to about 130-£140 does anyone have this tank what do you think of it, is there another tropical complete set up for about this price


oh and plus i have seen the jewel 60 what is your opinion of this tank- sounds expensive to run
I have been looking for a new tropical fish tank and reasonably price i stumbled across the aquaone aqua start 500, with a stand it comes to about 130-£140 does anyone have this tank what do you think of it, is there another tropical complete set up for about this price


oh and plus i have seen the jewel 60 what is your opinion of this tank- sounds expensive to run

bump, bump, bump it up!!
how do you mean expensive to run?

the aquastart 500 is 65L and usually comes with just an undergravel filter, because of this you really have to use the larger sized gravel as smaller gravel and sand will block up the filter.

The juwel however comes with a heater and an internal sponge filter,

both would give you a max stocking of around 16 inches of fully grown fish
why does the juwel 60 sound expensive to run?

filters sponges i have been told to use pond floss and cut it for the white weekly ones, do you really need the carbon and nitrite ones, i have also been told to not follow the manufacturers guidelines and wait until the sponges are literally falling to pieces

whats your opinion
i have also been told to not follow the manufacturers guidelines and wait until the sponges are literally falling to pieces
whats your opinion

seems like you've answered your own question

I just use the blue fine pads, no need for the others, I also don't bother with the white pad or even filter floss,
as long as you stay on top of your water changes and gravel cleans then they aren't necessary.

The only trouble i personally see is that due to it being such a small tank you'll need to be quite strict with your stocking.
why does the juwel 60 sound expensive to run?

filters sponges i have been told to use pond floss and cut it for the white weekly ones, do you really need the carbon and nitrite ones, i have also been told to not follow the manufacturers guidelines and wait until the sponges are literally falling to pieces

whats your opinion

Yeah, I have a rekord 120 (with a similar juwel filter tower) and you do not need to use juwel filter pads (absurdly overpriced), you can buy a sheet and cut your own filter floss and sponge. But yeah, as long as you rinse the sponges occasionally you will very rarely need to actually replace them. I personally use the floss as I find it good for the tiniest particulate matter
If you like the Aqua Ones, the 510 doesn't have an undergravel filter, but instead has a trickle filter built into the hood. This is very easy to get at, and as a beginner I found it ideal for maintenance. You can easily get at the filter parts, don't need to take anything apart, and there's minimal risk of water going anywhere it shouldn't. I've replaced the white filter cartridges just once since April, and now using the (cheaper) ones without carbon, so it's not too expensive to run. I'm really pleased with it. Just wish I had space for a bigger one...!

On the other hand, more experienced fish keepers often prefer set-ups which they can adapt for their own requirements, adding specialist lighting, filters which can be adjusted for flow and different filter media, etc. - not impossible but not as easy with this model, so I can see it wouldn't be the ideal tank for everyone.

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