Aqua One 320?


I think therefore I shouldn't
Jul 31, 2006
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Hey all,

I'm thinking about starting a nano tank in an Aqua One 320. It's a 32 litre tank with undergravel filtration and good lighting for marines. I think i would only need to add a heater to the equipment as i don't think a skimmer would be necessary for such a small tank.

Fish wise i would like to keep a couple of clowns, and a fire fish, but i don't know if i'll be overstocked with those three. Also a couple of shrimps for cleanup, an anenome for the clowns and perhaps a few corals.

I know i would need about 3kilos of live rock or bio filtration, but would the undergravel filter be a help or a hindrance in this setup? I could reroute the powerhead off the filter to move the water round the tank instead of through the spraybar, although am i right in thinking the clowns won't appreciate a strong flow of water.

Does anyone have any suggestion or ideas on this?
1 Suggestion

NO Anemone - there is no way that tank could sustain one
Fish wise I would say a Pair of Clowns or Firerish would be a Max stock

Remember that a small tank does require DAILY attention due to it small amount of water

Stability is key, you will need to top up daily & cheap parameters IMO

What size of Powerhead are you using ??
Fish wise I would say a Pair of Clowns or Firerish would be a Max stock

Pair of clowns OR Firefish? not both.
Fair enough. I really like the clowns so if i go for it, they're what i'd have.
Personally I would not keep more than one fish in a tank this size, theres not alot of room, especially once you get LR and coral in there.

I have a version of the tank myself although it did not come with #### under-gravel filteration, it came with an internal filter. Since then however I have replaced it with an internal Eheim filter which does the job nicely. I keep a black frogfish in my 320 and he has done rather well for a few months now. His only tank mates are a hawiian orange/black hermit and a Anenome worm, a few mushrooms and about 2KG of LR.

If you do like clowns one should be fine but if you really want a pair all you have to remember is that the regular clownfish do get to about 3" usually. and 2 of them in a 30L tank will be pushing it unless you do a water change at least once a week (maybe twice).

Hey all,

I'm thinking about starting a nano tank in an Aqua One 320. It's a 32 litre tank with undergravel filtration and good lighting for marines. I think i would only need to add a heater to the equipment as i don't think a skimmer would be necessary for such a small tank.

Does anyone have any suggestion or ideas on this?

I think this is a tad on the small about keeping a betta in this tank or just using as it as an emergency tank or something?? You will have so much maintenance and keeping parameters stable will be a tough job. We are going to keep a pair of clows in our 55gal, but I don't think I personally would consider putting them in anything less than a 25gal. Just my humble opinion though :/
Sorry..but clownfish deserve a tank at least 20-30G's in my opinion. I think it's cruel to put them in anything smaller. Just one of my 'conscientious aquarist' personal guidelines. YOU must decide on how to run your marine system, but, you can put ANY fish in a tank that's too small for it and it will survive....for awhile. SH
Hey all,

I'm thinking about starting a nano tank in an Aqua One 320. It's a 32 litre tank with undergravel filtration and good lighting for marines. I think i would only need to add a heater to the equipment as i don't think a skimmer would be necessary for such a small tank.

Fish wise i would like to keep a couple of clowns, and a fire fish, but i don't know if i'll be overstocked with those three. Also a couple of shrimps for cleanup, an anenome for the clowns and perhaps a few corals.

I know i would need about 3kilos of live rock or bio filtration, but would the undergravel filter be a help or a hindrance in this setup? I could reroute the powerhead off the filter to move the water round the tank instead of through the spraybar, although am i right in thinking the clowns won't appreciate a strong flow of water.

Does anyone have any suggestion or ideas on this?

I wouldnt keep any fish in it...

I've got the AR380 setup as a nano (its 34L) and the temp fluctuations are terible...

during the hot spell - it maxed out at 34 degrees - even with a desk fan and cooling in place.

our crabs and snails etc were ok (lost a xenia) but i really wouldnt want to risk fish in it...

once I've worked out a cheap method to keep the temps down - I'll be getting a pistol shrimp and goby pair.
Thanks for those comments, thought this thread was lost to the realms beyond page 3 that noone reads anymore :lol:

The marine idea was only an idea i had in passing. TBH i don't even have space to put another tank in my house at the moment so it's the two I have for now. I'll just keep going to my LFS and the Blue Reef aquarium when i want to see more fish for now!

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