
Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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in one of your posts you said you had silver dollars i just wondered, what size tank are they in? who is in with them? do they eat the plants non stop? what do you feed them ? are they really skitish?

i hav tried to find out about them from people with experience but without much luck, so if you could tell me how they are to keep i would apprecaite it?

would you recommened they for a 50g planted with platties golden barbs kissing gouramis and plecs and corys
ryan said:
would you recommened they for a 50g planted with platties golden barbs kissing gouramis and plecs and corys
Silver dollars are herbivors and will make short work of a planted tank, they are little aquatic lawnmowers :lol:
CFC said:
ryan said:
would you recommened they for a 50g planted with platties golden barbs kissing gouramis and plecs and corys
Silver dollars are herbivors and will make short work of a planted tank, they are little aquatic lawnmowers :lol:
isn't there a way of stopping them, maybe if i always hav some veg in there or something, i love these fish and thats the only place they can go
I have four silver dollars .. . they're currently in a 45 gallon tank.. two are large, two are juvies.. they're moving into a much larger tank in the very near future. They DO mow down the plants.. some varieties more than others.. but my tank is very heavily planted and I'm still winning the battle. They get fed lots of fresh veggies and spirulina tablets, too. I have golden barbs, gouramis, cories, and a plec in with mine, so tankmates shouldn't be an issue for you. There are also angels and kuhlis in there. As long as you keep them in a group (I will probably add another one or two once I get them into the 100 gal), they're not TOO skittish, but will always be a more nervous fish than a lot of others. If you only have a couple of them, they're so nervous that they'll continuously ram into the glass trying to escape when you merely walk past the tank. They will eat almost anything and, while they're slower at finding food than some of the others, once they find it, they eat in a frenzy. They're gorgeous and peaceful fish. However, you would probably need to upgrade your tank at some point, as kissing gouramis are also really large fish and dollars get huge. I don't know what kind of plec you've got, but he's another potentially large guy, and the golden barbs will grow to about 4" each. Just the same, you'd have a while to work on the bigger tank.... the silver dollars grow really fast to medium size but then slow down.

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