Aqua El Econoline 70 + Everything!


Jul 31, 2007
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
[font="verdana]Hi all, I'm looking to sell my Aqua El Econoline 70 with everything included, and boy is there a lot![/font]
[font="verdana][color=#1C2837][size=2][/size][/color][color=#1C2837][size=2][b]Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: Livestock if wanted, Aqua El Econoline 70, Large Anubias Nana, Equipment
Age and condition: 9 months
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Not enough time to take care.
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: £150
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: [color=#FF0000]Norwich[/color]
[font="verdana][color=#1C2837][size=2][b]Picture is back when I had the time to look after.[/b][/size][/color][/font]
[font="verdana]More info:[/font]
- Aqua El Econoline 70 (98 litres) with T5 lighting
- Eheim Classic 2213
- Aqua El Heater
- Net
- Bogwood
- Large Anubias Nana
- 3 pieces of slate
- Inside temperature reader
- Fish Food
- Water Treatment
- Plant Fertiliser
- Simple Gravel Vac

The Fish Food is:
- Aquarian Tropical Flake Food
- JMC Catfish Pellets
- JBL Novo Pleco
- JBL Novo Tab
- JBL Novo Bel
- JBL Gala
- JBL Krill
- JBL Grana Cichlid
- JBL Nano Prawn
(I also have frozen bloodworm if you would like that also, I have only used 4 cubes worth)

Water treatment is: JBL Biotopol 250ml x2, AquaCare Biological Supplement, Seachem Stability.

Plant Fertiliser is: Seachem Flourish, Seachem Flourish Excel.

If you want the fish as well you are more then welcome to have them.

Fish stock is:

Pair of Kribensis
5 Glowlight Danios
6 Julii Corydoras
1 Ancistrus Plec
1 White Cloud Mountain Minnow
The Anubias is easily 6 or 7 inches in diameter now, it's a big ole #29###!

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