I'm not sure what kinda filter you have do you put the right name?
The bioballs provide extra surface area for your de-nitrifying bacterias, these help decrease toxic amonia and nitrite, in the nitrate cycle.
These do not need to be replaced but if you notice they are getting clogged you should rinse them, rinse them out once in a while anyways but not all of them at the same time and try to use dechlorinated water so you can best maintain your colony,
I'm not quite sure what noodles are either but i'd think small ceramic tubes with lot's of holes in? fluval Bio-max
If that's it they do the same thing and you should maintain them similarily to the bioballs however replaceing them once a year but not all at the same time
Both above make great biological filtration media
Noodles could also be those small ceramic octagon tubes by fluval as well, that are considered a prefilter and are suposed to remove large particles from you water and prevent clogging of the filter, while provideing surface area for beneficial bacteria
More details though if it's something else