Aqarium Stocking Help


New Member
Aug 20, 2018
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I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.. I bought a 38g bowfront aquarium (32.25" W x 25.7" H) that finished cycling a few weeks ago. Over the last three weeks I've added driftwood, planted the tank, and added a school of 14 Rasboras (7 espei, 7 harlequin). I maintain the tank at a steady 76f and the levels are nearly perfect (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 28 nitrate, 6.8 ph, 8 dH) - I assume the slightly soft water is due to only partially soaking the driftwood. Filter is a Penguin BioWheel 200, but I'm considering moving up to a 350 for a little extra flow for the Rasboras to play in and I figure extra filtration can't hurt.

Next week I will be adding 6 Panda Corys, and I'd like to add 2 Bolivian Rams (1 Male, 1 Female) a few weeks after.

I've run a ton of different scenarios through the AqAdvisor calculator, but am having some difficulty figuring out what else I can add safely. I would like to add another school/shoal (at least 8) to the middle layer to add some color and activity, and maybe a few shrimp or snails to assist the Corys with some cleanup work (the kids each get to feed the fish once a week - you know).

I'm VERY open to other ideas. I have the 14 Rasboras right now that almost solely occupy the top near the filter's water stream, and definitely want the Pandas for the bottom. The rest is sort of up in the air. I'd love some suggestions for how to add some activity and color through the rest of the tank.

I've attached an image of the new tank in it's current state. This is my first planted tank so please pardon the crowding and chaos of the plants. My excuse is that I just added a few more pieces of driftwood, all of the moss / floating moss that hasn't settled yet, and a handful of plants. I will be re-arranging in several weeks once the wood stays fully submerged w/o anchoring and the moss has started growing.

Thank you all in advance!

The rasboras need about 70-80 degrees, the cories need around 70-77, and the rams, 77-83 degrees. If you kept all, keeping it around 77 degrees would be making ends meet, it is a bit difficult though. If I were you, I wouldn't get the Bolivian Rams, but anyhow, if you make those ends meet, I think that this could be a good stocking.

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