april is dead


Fish Herder
Jul 28, 2003
Reaction score
South England
this morning i found april the green shiny tailed female guppy dead she also has left 12 orfins!!!! :/ i dnt just think it the streess of the birth cos my male swordtail is also ill loooking hwats happeing shal i do a water change.....i should buy some pH and dH MEASUREMET THINGYS??? :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( two death in two days!!! liz and april!!! :-( :-( :-( :sad: :sad: :sad:
get following test kits


Thats the basic kits (a real must in my opinion)

you could always get kh and gh kit if you want

How long have you had your tank?
How often do you do water changes?

Did your fish display any sypmtoms before they passed on?

Im really sorry for your loss. :(
Water changes every week i had one today aswel and i change about 8 litres i think a bucket of water my tank is 3o galoons hehe..... and i have hda the tank for about 1 3/4 months i think maybe more... :D
I'm sorry for ur lost :-( There must b something very wrong with the water then. What did they look like when they died? Did they sink or float on the water?
Just checked on ur another post. If she died floating, perhaps it's an internal bacterial infection. coz I read from a book that the gas the bacteria produced makes them floating.

What'r their poops look like? Their body colour? Or can u describe how the male swordtail look like now?
unfortually the male swordtail is dead aswell toady so this make three death sin a rwo!!! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( but he seem half floating under water but not right at the bottom neaer to the top ..... an dthi sone was one my sis choosed and named after on eof her friends!!! and she is coming back form her hols today so dnt know if she be bit up set!! :sad: :sad: but the weir dthing is there was more fry in the tank marbled little guys 8 of them a dn two white one form other birth so i now have 24 fry lol :D :lol: ohwell at least i have fry to replace those who have pased on :unsure: :/ also the male sowrd tails clour was slightly duller and if it help whem i take them out of the water the fish crakle???like little sparklers

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