

Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2009
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As some of you know, has been offline for over a week now. It isn't gone for good. The owner of the site had some problems with his host and with the subsequent changing of servers. It's on its way back online, though - shouldn't be much longer now. :good:

As he has no access to, or way to contact, general membership at the moment, thought you guys might like to know what was going on in case you were trying to access the site. :)
Yup! He was young there - about 4 months old. Still the best colored brigs/diffusa I've ever had! Faded slightly as he got older, but still that really neat pink - just not quite as vibrant.

Is that a normal P. Bridgesii in your avatar?
That's got an awesome shell on it!
Shame you don't have his female equivalent :(

I have a couple of clutches from an Ivory male and Dark footed purple stripe shell female.
I'm hoping *fingers crossed* that she is heterozygous for the foot colour (I think she is remembering some of her siblings)and I might get a couple like your avvy.
Winerlilly! I thought I would never see you again! Lol

I'm so glad I found this post! I feared the worst when I tried for several days and couldn't get on. I've so much to tell everyone when it come back up! I've successfully hatched 3 smallish clutches! The first two look to be all pinks and purples. The newest clutch looks like it will be either stripped or dark bodied. I can't wait to show everyone pictures!
First: Site's back up! :)

Curiosity - if I had his female equivalent, I know just what'd happen. They'd throw nothing but golds and ivories or something. <lol> Snail genetics are so messed up. ;)

Nacho! Yeah I know! But it's up as of this morning so you can go and post your pics - congrats on the clutches!! Just beware that they change color quite a lot as they grow sometimes! (What on earth are you gonna do with allllllll those babies??!?)
Been waiting to have my account 'activated' now for nearly a week.

Wanted to ask advice cos my two apple snails died for unknown reasons around 3 weeks after getting them in a perfectly healthy and established tank, I'd like to find out why!

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