I jsut love their hugeness! I wanna add them in with my goldfish to take the algea off the tank but there is a problem. I have some plants in their, mainly just java fern and a bunch of Anachair and Cabomba. Will these snails eat said plants?
I jsut love their hugeness! I wanna add them in with my goldfish to take the algea off the tank but there is a problem. I have some plants in their, mainly just java fern and a bunch of Anachair and Cabomba. Will these snails eat said plants?
I keep and breed a few different strains with no plant eating issues.
If you keep them well fed they wont bother anything.
But correct me if I'm wrong but I thought apple snails could only be kept in warm tropical water and not cold water as you would keep goldfish? Maybe someone else can clear that up for you