Apple Snails

They will eat all sorts of things from the bottom and walls of the tank, you dont need to give them anything special.....Im assuming you have fish in with them?
If you want to give them specific snail food there is a person on e-bay who makes his own snail food. I bought some and you get a lot. I didn't know there was special snail food until I found it by accident. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to advertise his name on here but if you pm me I could tell you. :)
Fishfood and algae are good enough for it. You can serve also zuccini, cucumber, peas etc.

More important is that yout pH is about 7.5 and GH at least 10 dGH. Otherwise apple snails bottoms will erode fast.
Peas, zuccini, cucumber, goldfish pond pellets are the basics. They will eat fish as well, any dead fish will be cleaned up very quickly, and they will eat live fish if they can catch them. I recently rehomed a female Apple snail that ate a large angelfish, a gourami, and 2 bettas. I thought the fish were randomly dying until I saw the snail grab and eat a guppy. Snail no more in my tank! This was a well fed snail, not just getting the leavings from the fish. The person who has it now keeps feeder guppys for the snails enjoyment (he enjoys watching it grab and eat fish as well).

If you feed it the above, it will make LOTS of waste!
Apple snails love leafy greens, cucumber, zuchinni, lettuce, peas are examples
what!!!!!! applesnails wont eat live fish! theyll certainly eat up any dead ones but even if they wanted to eat live ones they would have to be retardedly slow for the snail to catch em. i keep mine in with guppies and hes never tried to eat one. but anyways as for food just about any blanched veggies are fine, including some fruit. algae wafers, catfish pellets, shrimp pellets and snail crackers work well too.
Some apple snails will eat live fish and/or attack fish with the obvious intent of eating them. IME, these snails have either been fed fish meat at some point (like tuna), or been subjected to conditions where they had to eat fish due to no other food source. A long time not being fed in a pet store can do that. Cannibal snails can also be produced from near-starvation conditions. Once they start the behavior it doesn't seem to stop. So, an apple snail that catches and eats fish as a staple part of its diet should not be considered a model from which to judge all apple snails.
Some apple snails will eat live fish and/or attack fish with the obvious intent of eating them. IME, these snails have either been fed fish meat at some point (like tuna), or been subjected to conditions where they had to eat fish due to no other food source. A long time not being fed in a pet store can do that. Cannibal snails can also be produced from near-starvation conditions. Once they start the behavior it doesn't seem to stop. So, an apple snail that catches and eats fish as a staple part of its diet should not be considered a model from which to judge all apple snails.

Ok that was scaring me for a moment. I have lots of apple snails because i bought a very pregnant one, and they live with guppies and tetras and minows and cories that keep hatching tiny babies in the gravel. If my apples were live fish eaters I'd have a lot fewer fish. Before reading responses, was going just say they eat everything, but I would have thought they just eat everything that doesn't move under its own power. They are fun to watch. I like to feed mine floating food, especially small crumbled flakes because they do something I call "funnel foot". I've recently watched 20 or more all lined up at the water surface on the front wall, all doing funnel foot. ( One of them was full {nearing ping pong} size, the others ranged from pea to marble size)

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