Apple Snail Shell - Torn.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Alabama ♥
So, a few minutes ago, I noticed something wrong with my Apple Snail. He was pulled all the way into his shell, lying on the bottom of the tank. I pulled him out of the water to see if he was dead. He wasn't. I noticed the end of his shell is looking sort of torn. Litterally, it's torn. It looks and feels like when you break a nail, only it's thinner.

My pH is 7.0. I thought about adding baking soda but I don't really know how to do that without making the pH go up and down quickly. I thought it'd be better not to mess with it. I don't really know what to do. I'm worried he's going to die; is there anything I can do for him?

Tank is cycled. Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0, Nitrates are 20.

So, a few minutes ago, I noticed something wrong with my Apple Snail. He was pulled all the way into his shell, lying on the bottom of the tank. I pulled him out of the water to see if he was dead. He wasn't. I noticed the end of his shell is looking sort of torn. Litterally, it's torn. It looks and feels like when you break a nail, only it's thinner.

My pH is 7.0. I thought about adding baking soda but I don't really know how to do that without making the pH go up and down quickly. I thought it'd be better not to mess with it. I don't really know what to do. I'm worried he's going to die; is there anything I can do for him?

Tank is cycled. Ammonia and Nitrites are at 0, Nitrates are 20.


that looks like the new shell growth has broken, that means hes not getting enough calcium, you really need to be feeding calcium rich foods, thats the best way to get calcium into him. :good:
well they sell calcium tablets at pet stores. they will get his shell strong again.
You can always add some coral gravel to the filter in a media bag, it will leech out calcium and raise the ph. The snails will appreciate it.
I read that you can add Kents liquid calcium, unsure of the does though. Or even cuttle bones. Do you feed your snail veggies? Zucchinni is really good for them also green lettuces (not iceburg) I just dip them in boiling water and weigh them down with a plant waeight so the snails can eat them. they also like fresh or frozen shelled peas. Here's a good link for you.
In addition to the suggestions above, slightly lower temperature is better for a stronger shell. In higher temperatures, the snail grows faster but the newly formed shell is thinner and weaker.
Thanks for the replies!

His shell has fixed itself, and I've added some calcium to his diet. He wouldn't touch lettuce or peas, but loved cucumber. I've printed out a few 'calcium rich foods' lists, so I'll be adding as much variety as I can.

I'll also look into some liquid calcium and things like cuttlebone and coral gravel :good:

Also, my temp is between 73F and 75F at night, and 75F and 77F during the day.

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