Apple Snail Shell Changed Colour!


New Member
Jul 11, 2009
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We have had him for about a week now and he's been great. Very active, eating some peas that I put in today and generally being normal, but tonight his 'curly cone' bit of his shell has gone white?! :blink:

He is a golden apple snail and was all golden when we got him (with a bit of green algae on him!!) but tonight over the last 3-4 hours his cone bit has gone completely white.

Is this normal? Has anyone else had this before?

Thanks in advance!
What is your pH? I have *ahem* a few apple snails and haven't had a single problem with this at all.
I supplement calcium and they have good water:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 or below
pH 7.6 ish
Ammonia and nitrites 0 (always clear on water test)
PH is ok, in the high 7's
Nitrates are about 35 ppm

Ooh should I be adding a calcium supplement for him?

By the way, I posted this on saturday evening and its still the same, but he seems fine, very active and seems happy

Just wondered if anyone else had experience this, obviously not!! :blink:
I'm sure other people have experienced it, just no one who has
And some don't need to supplement, some do.

When I said I have a few, I have about 80 something at the mo as I had a load of babies hatch a month or so ago. So I figured I should probably supplement. All I did was pop a quarter of a cuttlefish bone into the tank. They have a little bit of a munch every now n then.

I don't know if they need it, just figured it wont hurt.
I think they need it to keep their shells strong and well developed (did abit of reading as i will be getting one of these :blush: )

Cuttlefish bone should do the trick :good:
Thing is my guys will need it as there is a large demand on calcium from the water and food sources as I have so many growing snails. For a lone snail it may not be neccesary to supplement.
Depends what is naturally occuring in your tap water to be honest.

Gotta agree though, cuttlefish bone shouldn't affect your water and they cost about 30p for a huge 30cm piece from a pet shop. Seems to good not to.

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