apple snail question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2003
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Hey, I have an apple snail in my betta tank. I've been feeding it pieces of lettuce, and was wondering about this. Is this enough to feed it, or does it need anything else? And how often should it be fed? Thanks.
Applesnails like blanched cucumber/courgette and also fish food as well. They'll eat most things, lettuce does not contain many nutrients and so they will do better on something with more goodness in it (lettuce is almost completely water ;) ) Start feeding small amounts - your snails are highly unlikely to starve and then see how much they can eat, I used to leave stuff in overnight and the next morning it would all be gone I would do this maybe every 2-3 days. They're not very demanding but really cool - which species do you have?
I picked up a black mystery snail to contrast a bit with my blue gravel bottom. Currently it's just the snail and a red Betta in my 5 gal tank.
I have 3 gold apple snails as well as 5 tiger snails in one of my tanks. Always fun to watch them eat.

You may want to check out this site for all things to do with apple snails

Apple snails

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