Apple Snail Info


Fish Addict
Jan 22, 2006
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i did the thing no one should do, ( bad donna lol )
anyways i got myself a rather nice big apple snail, called bramley.
she/he, is in my juwel 260 with platy and gourami, and 2 plecos.
question other than algae tabs and veg is there anything else it needs?
also i was told to put it in a different tank if i had to treat for anything.
thanks for any info
how long do they live for? :)
i did the thing no one should do, ( bad donna lol )
anyways i got myself a rather nice big apple snail, called bramley.
she/he, is in my juwel 260 with platy and gourami, and 2 plecos.
question other than algae tabs and veg is there anything else it needs?
also i was told to put it in a different tank if i had to treat for anything.
thanks for any info
how long do they live for? :)

Not really they are pretty low maintenance. I like to add liquid calcium for their shells (you can buy from ebay) but thats because my water conditions are acidic. I love the name bramley, as in the apple :lol:
I feed mine a variety of food including ved and algae tablets, they eat everything apart from plants.
He/she will provide you with lots of entertainment!

Edit: My oldest one had been in my tank for over a year now, and I have had two that have lived shorter lives than that. So I don't know on average how long they live.
:lol: What colour is bramley? The colours apple snails come in are sooo pretty. I have a pink one I could call pink lady but hes male. :lol:
my daughter will only eat pink lady apples :rolleyes: ,
its a honey golden colour.
how can you tell the sex?
Donna :)
It's really difficult to tell the difference in my opinion, you can use the method in THIS LINK but you have to take them out the water. Also THIS SITE has some good info on apple snails. The only reason I know the sex of mine is when they have their penis out!! :lol:
It's really difficult to tell the difference in my opinion, you can use the method in THIS LINK but you have to take them out the water. Also THIS SITE has some good info on apple snails. The only reason I know the sex of mine is when they have their penis out!! :lol:
thanks for the link.
i dont think i will take Bramley out to see if it has a willy or not lol :lol: :rofl: .
also i was told to put it in a different tank if i had to treat for anything.

Snails are sensitive to copper and if you're adding any medicene check if it contains copper. If not, then it should be safe in the tank. They also prefer alkaline water as it's good for their shell.

You''ve made a good purchase, apple snails are great. I used to enjoy watching them climb to the top for air, then let go of the side and crash land on the ground :D
I love apple snails, mine breeed like rabbits in all my tanks...
A bit more info.
You need to have PH over 7 realy to keep them, they suffer terrible from shell errosion if kept in acid water for any length of time. I found the liquid calcium to be useless to be honest. If you have slighhtly low ph try rising it with a buffer of some kind. I reccomend only the natural ones such as Crushed oyster shell, crushed coral... both of these can be added to substrate and filters to raise the PH. The best I have found is ocean Rock. Used for other tropicals to raise PH its excellent and gets the ballance back quickly, especially if you have any kind of bog/mopani wood in your tank that will lower the PH.
You can buy small amounts of the rock of e.bay or the crushed coral can be bought here The cheapest place on the net for most things fish related.

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