Fish Addict
i did the thing no one should do, ( bad donna lol )
anyways i got myself a rather nice big apple snail, called bramley.
she/he, is in my juwel 260 with platy and gourami, and 2 plecos.
question other than algae tabs and veg is there anything else it needs?
also i was told to put it in a different tank if i had to treat for anything.
thanks for any info
how long do they live for?
i did the thing no one should do, ( bad donna lol )
anyways i got myself a rather nice big apple snail, called bramley.
she/he, is in my juwel 260 with platy and gourami, and 2 plecos.
question other than algae tabs and veg is there anything else it needs?
also i was told to put it in a different tank if i had to treat for anything.
thanks for any info
how long do they live for?