Apple Snail Illness?


Feb 10, 2010
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I went away for a week, did a 75% water change before I left and got someone to come in every 2 days to feed the fish. The lights were left off but my curtains were open so they did have a day/night cycle.

When I came back, I found my female apple snail and a platy dead. Apparently the person feeding them didnt notice. The platy looked fairly recent but the snail had pretty much disintergrated into a lump of slime and an empty shell. The others (2 males) seemed okay, but started floating round the top more than usual (one for 24 hours straight).

When I picked him up, I found his trap door wasnt properly shut. I put him in a 10 litre tub so the current wasnt throwing him around like in the bigger tank, the next day I had to do the same with the other one. Again the trap door wasnt shutting properly. They also seem to be spending more time than usual (almost) closed up.

Water params were fine when I got back, still are. Nitrates were high but they always are and the snails have been in higher.

Could it be some kind of illness? I've had them 6 months so they cant have picked it up from another snail.

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