Apple Snail Eggs - Advice


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I have apple snail eggs in my tank and I’d like to keep one batch.

I did remove the last batch and put them in a small tank with some water (they are above the water level) but I don’t think it worked.

Normally my snail lays them on the side of the tank and then knocks them off after a few days; and she lays them on the lid of my tank and unfortunately gravity wins that; I’m just wondering are there any things I can do to ‘save’ a batch of eggs?
I have apple snail eggs in my tank and I’d like to keep one batch.

I did remove the last batch and put them in a small tank with some water (they are above the water level) but I don’t think it worked.

Normally my snail lays them on the side of the tank and then knocks them off after a few days; and she lays them on the lid of my tank and unfortunately gravity wins that; I’m just wondering are there any things I can do to ‘save’ a batch of eggs?
I have the same problem myself. Someone suggested I should float eggs in damp tissue inside a zip bag until ready to hatch then attach eggs to a polystyrene float with a toothpick when eggs turn grey and let them float till they hatxh
I have apple snail eggs in my tank and I’d like to keep one batch.

I did remove the last batch and put them in a small tank with some water (they are above the water level) but I don’t think it worked.

Normally my snail lays them on the side of the tank and then knocks them off after a few days; and she lays them on the lid of my tank and unfortunately gravity wins that; I’m just wondering are there any things I can do to ‘save’ a batch of eggs?
I have the same problem myself. Someone suggested I should float eggs in damp tissue inside a zip bag until ready to hatch then attach eggs to a polystyrene float with a toothpick when eggs turn grey and let them float till they hatxh

That is such a simple idea with the polystyrene, duh to me I think. Thank you :) (at the moment I put a bit of net in the tank so the eggs are above the water yet still in the tank and can't fall down.
yeah you can do like that, if using the zip lock bag method spray the inside lightly with water and let the bag float near the tank lights. they should hatch in about 14days like that. As i said in the other thread 1 clutch can have 200+ eggs and they need 2.5G per adult snai. if you want to try and raise some cut a small bit of the cluth to keep and through the rest out. I have prob in total hatched 1500+ apples soon as these last 300 are sold im out they are a PITA to keep when there 100's to feed and be on poo duty
Most of the clutch of eggs are infertile, I can see no more than 20 fertile eggs. I have 3 tropical tanks where they can grow out, my boyfriend has a tank and I have a spare. Normally I disguard the eggs but I'm keeping this batch.

I'll try and sell a few and donate some to my lfs, if they turn out like their parents I'll be fine, I'm hoping for at least one like their mammy.

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