Apple Snail... Dead Or Not?


Oct 18, 2009
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NE Dorset
Hi all

I bought a couple of 'blue' apple snails last week. One is charging round the tank eating everything that it comes across, the other is sat at the bottom with it's trapdoor closed. I know that they can stay like this for quite a while but it seems a tad unusual. If it's dead, would its muscles work enough to maintain the strength to close the trapdoor? Should I just wait and see what happens
doubtful its dead. when they die its fairly obvious. probably just taking a long rest. pull it out of the tank. if the door stays shut, its fine. if it comes open or it smells REALLY bad (like i said-dead snail is pretty obvious), then throw it away and do a big waterchange.
all the best
Mine too do this. But, when i do see a snail just lying there with its trap-door closed, i usually give it a little push with the net, then after a few minutes it opens up again.

....Although i think that might not be a good idea..?!

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