Aplocheilus Lineatus


New Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Hi, new to keeping killies have a astablished breeding pair in a 29g tank was wondering if I could put 8 boehlkea fredconchui in with them? If not any tank companion sugestions would be appreciated. Would like to put something in there, the female is pretty aggressive towards the male, maybe they would distract her some? hopeing they won't eat the tetras.

Thanks, Daniel
Hi Dan,
I wouldn't bother with the tetra to be honest. May eventually end up on the menu. I would stick with Corydoras and get another female lineatus of comparative size.
Are you sure they are a definite pair. (wild form or gold)
Well the guy who put them up for our club auction said they were a mated pair, they were sold as golden wonders, thats all I really know about them though.

They are a neat little fish, not bashfull at all heck the female acts as if she is going to bite my fingers when I put my hand in the tank! lol

I've pretty much just kept cichlids for the last 5-6 years so i'm still pretty new to the hobby

I got 3 aphyosemion ahli at the same time, the female jumped tank and died so i'm trying to locate another one also trying to get some duckweed to put around my hob to try to stop any further loss of fish, trying to feed them some brine shrimp but the males tend to hide at the first site of me, going to see if my lfs has any decap eggs or golden pearls to feed to them.

Thanks for your advice, Daniel
So sad for the female Aph. ahli what a pity, cracking little fish from the Calliurum sp. group (which includes australe).
You should have no problem spawning the panchax. Read the articles in the Killifish Resource Centre above
<a href="http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=280783" target="_blank">http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=280783</a>
Best plant to use is Salvinia natans...don't use duckweed, horrible stuff.
Salvina natans is illegale in the U.S

A member of our states' aquarium association club (okcaa.org) sent me a package of large duckweed in the mail to try, seems to be working out pretty well, the males are not hiding like they used to, don't know if it is due to the plant or the 8 boehlkea fredcochui that I put in there at the same time! :D

Still looking for a female tho, thanks for your advice i'll probably have some more questions in the future,

Seems like you've all the help at hand there Dan!

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