Aplocheilichthys Normani


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
near Derby UK
Just want to check to see if these are ok with bronze cories? I havent got them in the same tank but want to move my cories to the tank that Ive just put the lampeyes in.

Also is there a way to tell male from female?
Not sure but generally with lampeyes male have longer fins and better colour.

And they should be fine with cory's how ever they are quite easy to breed and the cory's will happily eat all the eggs that they find.
The males have longer drawn out finnage and if you look closely enough you will see that there is some colouration (very slight) in the finnage of the male.
They'll be fine wit corydoras sp.
Are you wanting to breed them at some point?
Use a floating plant on surface (Salvinia or Hornwort)
I wasnt planning on breeding them (but that may change) Im not sure if they are mixed sex or all male/female, I will try and figure it out!
If you are keeping a group, I'm fairly confident that you will have a mix of sexes in there.
Thank you, I have 6 of them at the mo I can't say that I can see a noticable difference between any of them, but its hard to tell with them being opaque!

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