Apistogramma Cactuoides


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, Nebraska
I finally got a pair of these fish for my 35 gallon hex. They have been in the tank for 5 days now. The male look awsome and the female just looks so cute. I noticed this morning that the male was already hitting the female in the side with his tail, but she wanted nothing to do with him so she just swam away. The femail is about 1" and the male is double her size, so are my fish old enough to spawn yet?

I am so excited about getting a pair of these. I was first going to go with blue rams, but decided on these as I heard and read they are hardier than blues. And they also will do better in my water conditions. As I have a ph of 7.8 and hardness of 60. I know they aren't the best, but that is what my tap water is.
These Cichlids usually only breed in soft, neutral water... Usually 1 male needs 3 - 6 females per tank... They need breeding caves ( rock structures or flower pots )...
Males can breed at a size of around 4+ cm ( males grow to 9cm, and females 5cm )...
I finally got a pair of these fish for my 35 gallon hex. They have been in the tank for 5 days now. The male look awsome and the female just looks so cute. I noticed this morning that the male was already hitting the female in the side with his tail, but she wanted nothing to do with him so she just swam away. The femail is about 1" and the male is double her size, so are my fish old enough to spawn yet?

Apisto cacatuoides can breed from about 6 months of age (like most apisto's), so I wouldn't be suprised if you were get them them breeding very soon. Quite often, just the move from the LFS (and the change of water) is enough to trigger spawning. You'll know when the female is coming into breeding condition as she will take on a fairly vibrant yellow colouration over her body.

A single pair will work just as well as a harem set up, add a few dither fish (eg pencil fish) though to distract the male and female when they're arguing!!

I am so excited about getting a pair of these. I was first going to go with blue rams, but decided on these as I heard and read they are hardier than blues. And they also will do better in my water conditions. As I have a ph of 7.8 and hardness of 60. I know they aren't the best, but that is what my tap water is.

If these are the standard aquarium bred colour morphs, then your tap water (although not ideal for wild fish) will probably suffice. Most aquarium colour morphs will tolerate and breed in your water (possibly with smaller brood sizes though).

Good luck with them, they're a fantastic Apisto to start your obsession with :hyper:

Sometimes a cool water change will stimulate breeding...although be ready to have a spawn tank setup should there be babies as the rest of the fish will devour them ;)

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