You can let nature take its course. You'll have quite a show for a month, and then maybe you might want to go for a long walk and be surprised when you get home...
Raise them as long as you can and see if the LFS would take small fry and give some credit. What you have is in high demand and they might agree to take them so small.
@AdoraBelle Dearheart that plastic tub would work great. Spot on !
Now my usual rant when I read posts about unexpected fry of any kind. Every aquarist should have a brine shrimp hatchery and eggs at all times even if you are not using it. Also, finely powdered prepared fry food. Microworms are simple to start , keep and maintain. The list goes on and on but the brine shrimp at the very least.
Use a plastic storage container as suggested previously. You can pick up a 200 litre plastic container for $10 and t will make a nice sized rearing container.
Leave the babies until they no longer go back to the nest at night or until the parents chase them away from the nest, whichever happens first.
When I said small fry I didn't mean helpless swimming eggs...I was thinking 1/4 to half inch- when they look like miniature fish. With the huge demand for Apistos I would think LFS is willing to take them in smaller to much smaller than usual and raise them out. Possible.