Apisto And Rams


Fish Fanatic
Jan 17, 2007
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ottawa illinois
lots of extra filtration
ph 7.8 (constant Tap)
semi hard water
10% wc twice a week

Changing my present tank and was wondering

1. is it possible to strictly have apisto and ram species in one tank

2. how many in this setup

3. will one breeding pair per spieces be ok

I really like my current chiclids but want to go with smaller fish so i can house more at one time. I really love apistos but want more than one pair in my tank. ive heard that they get pretty territorial so 1 pair or maybe two is all one should have????? I would like 10 pairs or so. Am i crazy or might this work.
IMHO your water isn't the best for apistos or rams, very low 7's would be better, under 7 would be better still. you could keep the bolivian ram as these are not as fussy with their requirements and out of the apisto's, a. borellii and a. cacatuoides are the easiest to keep.what ever ones you try it would help if you have lots of plants and i mean well over half your tank bottom covered with fast growing stem plants that don't need much light, and lots of bogwood. keep us posted and good luck!
if you can get your PH down to 7.0 then opt for cacatuoides
use a dark substrate (sand) build caves with pots and or coconut shells, lots of plants and bogwood (this will help reduce ur PH) and room for swimming,
soft to medium hard water
look to keep them in harem's 3/4-6 females to 1 male

IMHO i prefer not keep rams and apisto together
What the others have said is correct for fish that are wild caught.

You will be fine with Apistos and Rams if you can get tank bred options, they will be acclimated to the water PH in the area.
lots of extra filtration
ph 7.8 (constant Tap)
semi hard water
10% wc twice a week

Changing my present tank and was wondering

1. is it possible to strictly have apisto and ram species in one tank

2. how many in this setup

3. will one breeding pair per spieces be ok

I really like my current chiclids but want to go with smaller fish so i can house more at one time. I really love apistos but want more than one pair in my tank. ive heard that they get pretty territorial so 1 pair or maybe two is all one should have????? I would like 10 pairs or so. Am i crazy or might this work.
Hey,hows it goin.I'm not so sure you can have too many PAIRS in the same tank.Although a 125 is a good size.What these other guys are saying is a good bet.You can easily put a male with several 6-8 females along with some Bolivian Rams and be OK.But,if you were to get some other species of apistos your ph should be more around 6.0-6.5 with a hardness of no more than 10.I have successfully bred 11 different apistos in a 55g. tank together,BUT, I had to take the females out cause the other apistos would eat them,or the mother would.But in a 125 you may be a bit more successful than I was.But your gonna have to lower your ph and hardness.What I would do is put 3-4 cups of peat in your filter,assuming you have a canister filter,and this will lower ph and hardness,and put in alot of driftwood as this will help lower hardness as well.But it is alot of work to keep more than a few apistos in the same tank without having an ro unit cause too big of a ph change will most likely kill off your apistos.My suggestion would be is to get a hold of Dave Soarse.He is very good at keeping and breeding all kinds of apistos.He goes by the name of apistodave.I hope this has been of use to you and good luck.Keep us all posted,Tom.
Ok the FACTS

PH Blue rams, Bolivian ram, Apistogramma cacatuoide, A agassizii along with some others will all breed fine in that water (let alone live) the blue ram eggs and maybe some apistogramma eggs may not hatch though, but the bolivian, cacatuoide and agassizii eggs should no probs (cacatuoide can breed well up ph8.1 and live happily without breeding in higher), just take your time introducing them when you get them.

As for how many strictley to begin with is a good way to start...
Rams one square foot of bottom per pair or single
Apisto 2 square feet per male, 1 square foot per female, eh in a singe 2'x1'x1' space you can have 1male AND 2 females

these figures are based on moderate planting plus plenty of caves/holes/driftwood (figure 1.5 caves/holes fer female apisto)

As long as you allow enough space per fish you can mix 2, 3 or more different types of dwarf cichlid

But please dont listen to what I say, ask people they will agree I know stuff all and nothing about fish :)


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