Api Copper Test


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
Derbyshire, UK
Hello to all at FishForums.net

This is may second post here and my first thread, I have to say this is a great place with loads of helpful advice. I am new to fish keeping in general - my wife and I have always wanted to keep fish and now we do!

To cut repetition here is a copy of a contact form I just submitted on API website:

[codebox]Hi API
I have today purchased API Copper Test Kit from my LFS - wanting to test for copper as thinking about a few shrimp for my freshwater tank.

The lot shows the test to still be fresh (I believe) LOT#: 65A0407.

When I test my tank I get a totally clear result IE: The water in the tube is clear after 1+ minutes. The problem I have is that the test card shows that even if the test is 0ppm the result should be a light yellow colour.

Do you think I have copper in the tank but it's way out of range for the test, do you think I have a faulty test or do you think that it means I have zero copper?

Would love a reply to this for assurance?...

Best Regards


So then, I'd like a second opinion if possible please from you more experienced people. Are API any good? Do you think my test is a duffer? Am I bothering unneccassarily and everything is peachy (preferred outcome ^_^, could other chems in the water be interfering with the test, what are the jackpot lottery numbers this weekend, etc.

Anyone with experience of this test kit or feedback in general I'd like to hear from you.

Am testing for copper as I currently water change from the cold and hot taps both of which are copper + got copper hot water tank.

Looking forward to getting some shrimp buddies soon...

Many thanks

You could have a dodgy test kit or you might not have any copper in the water. You need to get some distilled water and test that and then add some copper sulphate (available from most hardware stores or chemists) to a sample of the distilled water. Dissolve the copper sulphate and test that. You should get a reading with that. If you don't get a reading from the copper sulphate solution then the kit is stuffed and needs replacing.
I have copper pipes, I keep lots of types of shrimp without any problem. I dont use water from the hot tap and I run the cold tap for a bit to flush out any possible copper from the water that was sitting in the pipes. I doubt you need worry about copper in the water. Dont know anything about the copper testing though.
Welcome to TFF
Here's the reply from API

Thank you for your email to Mars Fishcare, home of Aquarian, API, Rena and Pondcare, passed to me for reply at the Aquarian Advisory Service.
No report of that Lot number being faulty (it would not have been released anyway) so I assume you have zero Copper...I suspect it is the test card that is off colour!
You do not say what kind of aquarium you own - if a community tank note that many fish will eat shrimps or attack their feelers. They are only safe in a completely invertebrate set-up.

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