Aphyosemion/fundulopanchax Gardneri -


Starting again
May 17, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
I am looking into getting a pair of these for my community (male and female). Happened to see them in the local and truly amazing, The tank is a 160 litre housing glass catfish, cories, 2 pearl gouramis, neon tetras and 2 lampeyes. I was planning on one pair but wondering as the males can be aggressive if to go for two females?
Hello went with the gardneris in the end a pair, thought the male died though so got a replacement but he turned up again. So have a pair in a 160 litre community and the other in half a 96 litre with panda cories, tried the female with him but she pesters the pandas constantly. In the community she behaves at the top though the second male has now disappeared.

Can I ask would it be feasible and safe to put the male in with another in a tank heavily planted and 160 litres? They were accidentally together for 2-3 days and no fighting though think this is perhaps unusual?
I have several males in a 20L with no incident. The tank has plenty of Java Moss in it for cover. There are also a few females in there. Everyone is happy and healthy.
Thanks for that :good: I have had both together though one male disappeared before and no incidents. Have decided to attempt breeding them, read various links on the internet and at the moment they have just been put into quite heavily planted 10g divided of a 14g. Preparing two mops as well and here is hoping :good: Any tips would be great

read to:
1. Feed lots of meaty foods especially live
2. Most links say to do daily water changes of about 40% (would like to know if necessary)
3. Once bred move parents or the eggs - plan to leave all eggs in the tank if can
Very simple sum up!
My article should cover most of your concerns


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