Apareiodon Affinis


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
does anyone have info or has kept Apareiodon affinis?

I'm looking for info on their social behaviour
are they a schooling fish, are they best kept on their own,
should one avoid other flying fox shaped fish etc?
You would probably be better off with common names my friend, From the latter half of your omment I can tell that it either is a flying fox, or you are thinking of housing it with a flying fox, too bad I'm to lazy to google the name.
I've never heard it called an algae eater - bullish omnivore more like.
It needs tankmates as least as big as itself and keep singly or in a group - never a pair.
I've only seen odd juveniles that arrived as contaminants.
the common name supplied is gained from translations of both the Portugese common name
Charuto (cigar) and from the German La Plata Algensalmler (algae eater)
It dosen't seem to have a true English common name.

have you kept these yourself or is what you stated taken from a website?
the common name supplied is gained from translations of both the Portugese common name
Charuto (cigar) and from the German La Plata Algensalmler (algae eater)
It dosen't seem to have a true English common name.

have you kept these yourself or is what you stated taken from a website?
I've kept a couple a while back - long before the internet - & it took a lot of research to find what they were.
They were about 1.5" when they arrived with a mixed SA shipment and & I shifted the thugs when they were about 3-4" so I didn't keep them long -2-3 months? ( its a while ago!) They beat up adult three spot gouramis & I think I ended up giving them away to go in with blue acaras or similar.
The pair had to be split but looking again & translating webpages from Portugese a shoal should be ok.

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