Anyway To Use A Tempered Glass Tank?


Rocking a crabshell for a hat.
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, TX - USA
So I emptied my 55 gallon and it turns out that all the panels of the tank are tempered, not just the bottom. I was hoping to make this my first saltwater setup. So is there anyway to use this tempered glass tank? Or should I just get a different tank so I can drill it?
Wow you're sure about that? Is it labeled, or did you call the manufacturer? Who made the tank? All Glass? Perfecto? Oceanic? Other? I know most 55g tanks have only their bottoms tempered, not their sides...
Yep, the label on the bottom (outside the tank) says "All panels are tempered. Do not drill."

I guess I'll just work with it the way it is with a canister or something. Haven't decided. I was so pissed when I saw the label, but actually am pretty calm about it now.

EDIT: Found a pic from when I was going to sell it last year.
While less than ideal, look into making an overflow. That way you can still have a sump.

Alternatively, if you can house it, place a sump above the level of this tank and rather than a return pump, have a concealed pump in the display pumping water into the display. However, this way tends to lead to bubbles in the display tank.
Turns out that most 55 gallons are now be manufactured with all tempered glass, makes it cheaper to manufacture. I found that out when I was going to add a 55 as a sump for a customer and started to call around to find out where I can get a non tempered one... bummer. So I had to make a 75 gallon AGA tank fit.

Side note, oceanic lost most of it's tech staff, they are not the quality they used to be, the staff left and created their own brand called VERY cool looking tanks.

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